[center][u]Name:[/u] Joseph Reed [u]Age:[/u] 38 [u]Appearance:[/u] Joseph is a tall man with a strong build although he is not bulky or cumbersome. Standing at 6’4 and weighing in at 210 lbs, Joseph is a very strong man and his body is rather muscular and worked as each day he endures hard physical labour on the farm. His face is diamond shaped with moderately placed cheekbones and a moderately shaped nose. His lips are on thin side but his eyes are the most noticeable feature on his face. They are a hazel colour, although containing more green than brown. Joseph has a full head of hair that is cut somewhat short but not like a buzzcut. There’s some waviness to it. (Picture Joel from The Last of Us). Joseph’s hair isn’t exactly black but it is a dark chestnut brown. His beard is short and and does not extend off of his face for the most part. (Picture Rhett from Good Mythical Morning) and is the same colour as the hair on his head. Joseph has a scar line on his lower cheek which his beard grows around. He is not thin necessarily, he has some weight to him. Although, a lot of it is muscle. [u]Personality:[/u] Joseph can be described as a rather reserved and calm man. He is a man of few words and picks his battles. However, as a result of this, he finds that he gets little say in group settings and is ordered around by the other members. He could be best described as passive aggressive and gentle. Come the outbreak, he will be forced to resort to violence which will disturb him greatly. Joseph is a man who is in touch with his thoughts and likes to write them down on paper. He prefers to work things out rather than use violence straight off the bat. Soon, he will scare himself by his increased aggressiveness when the undead rise. Nonetheless, Joseph is still a gentle giant, and he will do whatever he can to keep his sanity. [u]History:[/u] Joseph Reed was the only son born in the city to an English professor and a housewife. It was assumed that he would follow in his father’s footsteps and enter the same profession. Through his early schooling and life, he received much pressure and bitterness from his father. He was not a warm or kind man in any sense of the word, but that didn’t stop Joseph from using his money to go to university. While he was in university, he was drafted but did not pass physical examination due to being flat footed. One year into his studies, he met a farm girl named Margaret through a local dance. The two fell madly in love and within a year, Joseph dropped out of university to marry her. The two moved into Margaret’s family farm and took it over when her parents died. She was the eldest of her two siblings and her parents entrusted that she and Joseph would do them proud. For the years that they ran the farm together, Margaret taught Joseph everything she knew about farming. The couple went on to have a son named Tom. When Joseph was 31 (1927), an unfortunate string of events took place which led to a barn fire that killed both his wife and son. Unable to live alone at the farm with the establishment reminding him only of the family he lost, Joseph sold the farm in 1928, before the markets crashed. He used the money to move back to the city and continue his schooling. When the depression hit, he dropped out of school again to look for work. With his previous experience in farm work, he was hired at Tackett Farmstead in 1931. [u]Speech Color:[/u] [color=00aeef]This one[/color] [u]Traits:[/u] Local +1 Woodsman +1 Farmhand +1 Big +1 Intelligent +1 Craftsman +1 Jockey +2 Sharpshooter +2 Churchgoing -2 Old -3 Lead footed -2[/center]