Dinner had come and gone like clockwork. Amberlyn spent the majority of the meal observing the foreign royalty sat around the table, all eating and conversing in a lighthearted manner. She looked up and down the table and made assumptions on who was betrothed to whom while trying to figure out who her future husband might be, might as well get to like them to a point where she doesn't want to kill them at least. There were a couple sets of siblings which narrowed down the options for some people yet didn't help Amber. Not much evidence of anything came from anyone. Her parents were very secretive on who anyone would marry. Amber pondered on that thought wondering if each heir was in the same position as her or if it had come from her parents over-protectiveness or the same thought pattern that caused them to attempt to force their daughter into seclusion. They barely let her do anything, they had a council formed to be assigned the duties Amber should receive upon coming queen and placed her husband at the head of all moves and tactics every war and all trade coming in and out of the kingdom leaving Amber nothing but the family name and the title of her position. That was when the 2 more exotic royals of the table stood, arms linked. Amber looked among the kings and queens on the other side of the table to see no disapproving looks, leading Amber to assume they were betrothed. Desperate for more answers Amberlyn turned to the boy seated on her left and read the name card placed in front of him, [i]Alexander Michael Belmont of Mirenia[/i] it read. Without greeting or warning of a verbal approach she asks, "Did your parents tell you who you are marrying?"