Zephyr loved the look of the canyon they were in. If this is where they would be training he would enjoy it quite a bit. Then what the master said hit him, "wait, months?" He was sure he wouldn't get an answer about it, but it was crazy to think that months had passed when it felt like he was only asleep for the night. Whatever though, he knew that doing this would mean being gone from home for a long time, possibly forever. The other started dispersing, and the master wanted to talk to Bristle away from the others. Zephyr found a nice spot and sat down cross-legged. Closing his eyes and putting his hands in a circular shape in front of him, he took a deep breath to clear his mind. Meditation was something he did on a daily basis. Well, used to, considering he had been asleep for several months according to the master. Still, it came naturally to him after all this time. He opened up to the sensations around him, the faint breeze through the field, the sounds of the others as they tried to access their magic. He remembered what the master said, do not control the magic, let it flow. After some time, Zephyr felt tingling in his hands. He looked down and saw tendrils of energy flowing from is palms. Taking another deep breath, he focused on it, causing the energy to swirl until it was finally a sphere. Remembering what the master said about not getting overly emotional, Zephyr made the sphere go away before pumping his fist in the air excitedly. He wasn't sure if he was the first or the last person to get it but he was just happy he did it at all.