[b][u]Fa-Val-Kul[/u][/b] ~| Day 3, 19:55-19:56 GST |~ ~|Location: Mos Eisley, Tatooine|~ Vebra’s knocking was answered rather quickly. Although, as soon as the door opened, Fa found herself staring ahead at the torso of a hulking being. As he was pretty much directly in front of her, she had to crane her neck back considerably to actually make eye contact. Off the top of her head, she had no idea what he actually was, if he [i]was[/i] even a he. Fa thought she could remember seeing something like him in a spaceport or something, but she had never spoke to one, and certainly had never bothered to look into what they were. Regardless, she guessed, and indeed hoped, that this was one of Lyric’s Jedi. Having someone of that size on their side came with some advantages she could think of pretty readily; some definite disadvantages as well, but they could work around those. Fa let down her hood so the Jedi could see her face clearly, in case Lyric had given his Jedi any physical descriptions. Of course, someone would have to be exceptionally inattentive to mistake Fa for anyone else; she would not be surprised if she was the only Tiss’shar in this sector. [i]’Looks like that old master did actually radio ahead’[/i] She thought to herself before she responded. “Yeah, we were ordered here by…well, you know who.” Fa answered, as she did not know who they were in the presence of, literally. She tried to peer around the massive Jedi into the building, but he was wide and close enough that she could not get a good look inside. Honestly, she had a hard time imagining how he managed to get through the doorway in the first place.