Duchess' engines roared to life once again. Izabelle knew she was late to the party; Duchess had been quite the pain to get started again, but Izzy knew that once the old girl's engines started, she was unstoppable. The plane may have been old, but she was anything but weak. Izzy hopped up onto the wings and into the cockpit, Duchess' paint shone brightly in the morning like as Izzy piloted her into take-off position. She sat on the tarmac a moment as Izzy closed her eyes and gripped the controls tightly. Then, her eyes were open. She slammed the accelerator forwards and the engine responded with the purr of a lion, shooting the plane forward down the runway and eventually into the air. Over the radio, Izzy quietly spoke to the rest of the team, her Ukrainian accent very audible "Apologies for the late arrival, engine trouble. Duchess is in the air, moving to attack the bomber." Izzy flicked the switch to activate her offensive engines; a pair of turbojets strapped to the back of the otherwise World War One-esque biplane, and the plane screamed towards the enemy bomber. Izzy opened up the throttle and lined up the bombers engines in the very basic crosshairs she had, squeezing the trigger to unleash an iron rain of 30mm machine gun rounds into it's left side wing. Over the radio, one sentence was heard "Duchess is engaging."