[hider=Here] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QdOnQkP.png[/img] [h2][color=gray]"You think you got problems?"[/color][/h2] [h3][b]In-game Name:[/b] Ox Ymoron [/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Jake Williams [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Exasperated most of the time. Seems to get along with people well enough and acts like a pessimist but doesn't believe a word he says. Also likes to give people hard time but hates it when people get offended. Its just a game right? Is rather forgetful of things he doesn't particularly care about. Once you get past his thorny exterior, he's still pretty thorny. He doesn't give off the impression of being lazy but that's just because of a bet he made with himself to play this ridiculous game as best he could. --- [b]History:[/b] Jake was born and raised in the gold old U S of A, specifically in a rainy corner known as Florida. His family made a living and not much more than that but he was content with it. He grew up not quite a nerd, not quite a jock, double dipping so to speak. He found his way into a nice group of friends that hung out every now then, watching movies and getting into trouble. Senior year rolled around faster than you could blink and Elder Tales was all the rage, even in their small little town. Of course Jake couldn't afford it but one of his friends talked about nothing but the game. Eventually Jake complained stating that it was indeed all he talked about. His friend said that it was just that great. Jake refuted the statement. A bet was made, his friend would get him the game, but Jake would have to play the character that his friend set up. Thinking that there was no downside and he got a free game, Jake readily accepted. He spent a few nights reading up on the game to prepare for its arrival and felt ready to jump right into things. What he found was appalling even to his noobish knowledge of the game. First off his avatar was female, second it was a Race of Ritual with the class of Guardain. Upon further inspection he found that his subclass was none other than dancer. In other words he was frankenstien. And to put icing on the cake his name was literally oxymoron. Speechless for several minutes Jake stared at his character while his friend collapsed in laughter. Jake smiled and said, "Challenge accepted." His friend quickly assured him it was just a joke and Jake could play whatever he wanted but Jake refused. He leapt into the game with a passion, and quickly died to a tutorial mission. Undeterred he slowly made his way through the game, figuring out how to make this mess of a character work. He never did find a guild, deeming it as a cop-out. --- In-game Information [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Race of Ritual [b]Class:[/b] Guardian [b]Class Level:[/b] 30 [b]Subclass:[/b] Dancer [b]Subclass Level: [/b]60 [b]Guild:[/b] N/A [b]Build:[/b] Um, I don't have a name for this yet, still figuring it all out. Basically I use Race of Ritual's insane magic power to fuel my guardian abilities and my dancing to fill in the gaps. It kinda works? [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]Cool Defense[/b]- Toggle skill; the Guardian taps into their mana and creates an additional line of defense between them and the opponent's attacks. For every blow that the target lands on the guardian, a small amount will be nullified. This defense is made all the more apparent when it comes to weak multiple-strike attacks. The Guardian's MP is slowly sapped as this skill remains active. [*][b]Covering[/b]- Despite a Warrior class's bulky appearance, their agility in the midst of battle can sometimes be very surprising. When an ally is about to be targeted by an attack, this skill allows the character to switch places with the target and take the force of the attack. It can also be activated in response to an area of effect attack, taking all the damage from affected party members onto oneself. Obviously, as good as the character's reflexes may be, this requires that the ally be in very close proximity. This skill has a maximum range of 3 meters, an animation time of 1 second, and a cooldown of 15 seconds. [*][b]Shield Swing-[/b] A movement/shield skill. Rush at your enemies with your shield raised, hitting them and pushing them back. [*][b]Rearmament[/b]- A skill used for maintaining defense, even when one's equipment is heavily damaged or unarmed. Upon the activation of this skill, the Guardian creates a shield from pure mana. The shield generated by this skill takes the default appearance of a typical kite shield, although more MP can be spent to change the shield's appearance. Shields generated from this skill are considered to have an equipment level equal to the Guardian's level. Shields generated by this skill may last up to a full minute, dispersing into mana after it expires or breaks. This skill has a casting time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 70 seconds. [*][b]Rune of Warding[/b]- A low cooldown spell that halves damage from the next attack, taking more than 10% of your HP in damage refreshes the cooldown. [*][b]Turn Tables[/b]- A once a day ability it works as advertised. The next two attacks instead of dealing damage heal Ox for what they would've dealt. [*][b]Go away or I shall mock you again![/b]- Any attack that has its damage reduced by one of Ox's abilities causes Ox generates a huge amount of threat. [*][b]Get Thee To a Nunnery[/b]- A simple verbal taunt to force any nearby enemies to attack Ox. [*][b]Time of Need[/b]- Ox's mana regen, health regen, and defensive stats increase proportionally to his missing HP. Day cooldown [*][b]Quick Swap[/b]-A skill that facilitates the quick switching of equipment from the user's equipment to their inventory. While many characters use quick slots in order to swap out their weapons, this requires a manual action. The use of Quick Swap does this exchange automatically. This switching can only be done with two equipment sets at a time, both of which are registered prior to the start of battle. When Quick Swap is used, the current equipment set will be swapped out to the other set designated by the skill. Due to the nature of this skill, it is best used by characters of the Weapon Specialist classes. This skill has an animation time of 1 second. Its cooldown if used by a Weapon Specialist class is 10 seconds which increases to 20 seconds if used by any other class. [*][b]Graceful Dance[/b]- Dodge any attacks aimed at you for a brief period of time lowering the defenses of any target that tries to attack you and taunting all nearby enemies. Can only be used once per fight. [*][b]Power Dance[/b]- A dance that involves a lot of stomping, it increases the damage of any nearby allies for a long period of time. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] Earring of Life Production-class A fancy little trinket that provides not actual stats but does provide a helpful effect, it allows the user to survive one otherwise fatal hit. In order to recharge a certain amount of kills are required in addition to a one day cool down. Other low class magical gear that simply enhances his unique blend of stats. Plate Amour and Tower Shield/ Dancing gear(light cloth that increases the effectiveness of dances and the speed of them) [b]Weapons:[/b] Longsword [b]Inventory:[/b] Several basic mana and HP potions. Teleport Scroll- One time use teleports to last town visited, two second cast time. [b]Stats[/b] Strength (STR): A Agility (AGI): D Intelligence (INT): A Wisdom (WIS): E Defense (DEF): E Evasion (EVA): C[/center][/hider]