[hr] [b][i]RICK ALLEN[/i][/b] [i]Star City; Corrigan School for [/i][right][indent][i]Advanced Learning and Development[/i][/indent][/right][hr] Before he knew it, Rick was being taken by the hand, and pulled over to the table he was staring at. [color=00a651]"Rick right? Your name I mean."[/color] Rick looked to the source of the voice - the same guy who'd pulled him over to the group. [color=yellow]"Um, I-I-"[/color] He stammered. Taking a deep breath, Rick remembered everything Barry had told him. He could almost hear his father's voice in his head. [i][color=yellow]Calm, Rick. Collect yourself. Breathe.[/color][/i] Rick did just that. [color=yellow]"Yeah, I'm Rick. Uh... hi...?"[/color] He tried not to show discomfort, as he thought it might make the others guilty. But he wasn't used to this at all. Socialising wasn't something he was expecting to do so early - he'd only been alive for seven months. [i][color=yellow]Still,[/color][/i] he thought, [i][color=yellow]Maybe it's time to start?[/color][/i] It was then he realised he'd been staring into space again. [color=yellow]"Sorry. I'm just... caught up on some things."[/color]