[quote=@BlackPanther] [@Claw2k11] I did specify he was a drake in the character sheet though. If I go half dragon I will have to edit the entire character sheet....I would need to re do him completely. [/quote] Not really, no. You can sneak that in there. And a drake is a juvenile(teenager) dragon so there isn't a difference in those... Or better yet, you could modify it so that you become a shapeshifter, that way you can technically become a dragon, you can even say that he likes to turn only into dragons if you wish. However, I can't let you be a full dragon, in this world, dragons have immense powers, the strongest of them being able to go on par with the Avatar of Death and the King of Hell. Even the weaker ones could topple kingdoms easily if they wanted to and I don't trust you enough to let you play someone with that powers(though admittedly, it would make the game much more interesting).