[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [@mewgirl99] [color=f7941d][i]As I drive I glance back at Liz, noticing her expression, and recognizing it, as I'd seen it enough times. She didn't like being alone any more than any other kid her age did. Damn, but what can I do? It's not like I know anything about have a daughter, and she'd probably just laugh me off for offering anyway. Not to mention being part of a mafia family wouldn't make life much easier for her, it'd just further isolate her from her peers. But it wasn't like she could just show up at school and start making friends the usual way... I curse, as the woman jumps in front of me. It's to late to stop, so I press the gas pedal to the floor, accelerating to meet the woman with as much momentum as possible. She'd either move, or be crushed, and Dmitri didn't much care which at this point. He'd promised to get Liz home in one piece, and he was going to do it if he had to get through all of hell to do it. [/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]Shit! Get down Liz![/color] [color=8882be]The woman realized her peril, and tried to get out of the way, but not fast enough. She leaped to one side, and the wagon's front right quarter, clipped her hip and thigh, sending her spinning off into the ditch on the other side of the road. The wagon, a solid German design, barely noticed the impact and kept accelerating down the road. [/color]