[quote=@Jbcool] [@Louis Dabout][@UltikanaRe] What do you say to that? I get the feeling that you're deliberatly avoiding what could actually be a rather good deal - or you're intent on leading a nation single handidly, in which case there are plenty of powerful [i]poleis[/i] that are neither claimed nor Sparta or Athens; Syracuse, Korinth, and Thebes are just three examples. Sven has explained, Louis has also explained quite accurately, in the end it is up to you. [/quote] My main concern is who controls the assembly? If it is the players, than that strikes me as unfair. If it is me and Louis flip coins on everything, than that may be difficult. Yet again, having somebody to share to burdens of research and strategy would be good. In addition, a co-op can be fun indeed. I will go with Strategos of Athens (BTW, Athens didn't have Navarchs according to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Military_ranks_of_ancient_Greece]wikipedia[/url]).