[@clanjos]i'm going based off of information given to me by you and your sheet. You said in suit mode all the thrusters were pointing backwards, meaning it could go forwards very quickly. that tells me it wasn't designed to be doing acrobatic loops, meaning you are better in straight lines than a twisting dog fight. You said yourself that it went forwards quickly and the direction every thruster was facing, which was back. The very nature of physics means something that is moving in a direction carrying inertia like you're describing in space, means you need to rotate the whole gunpla and divert your thrust in the direction you want to go in, meaning it takes far more energy and a long burn to change your direction because you're going so fast. And with every thruster facing backwards, again, according to your words, you don't have anything killing forwards inertia so you're going to take a lot more to change direction to begin with than a suit that was designed for space/flying since they can control their direction to a far easier degree. You are not going to be pulling tight maneuvers with a setup like you have described. You're lucky i even gave you the hit considering how you just took it without making it an attempt (power gaming). How the head is situated and the way the wings are, you have a great number of solid shields to get around, when you're trying to target something that small going at speeds which you're describing, your pilot must be a newtype. As to the thermal camera, just like how you assumed radar absorbing paint wouldn't matter, i did the same thing with sensors, except sensors are standard on military machines where radar absorbing paint was not. we're piloting machines designed to fight in most if not all enviroments, to have the ability to view heat sources is invaluable for Gunpla. any sort of sensors like thermal cameras, night vision, motion, all would be standard on just about every gunpla.