[color=darkred][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Gifs/Colt_zpsu0vj8oqh.gif[/img] [h1]Colt Malow Winger[/h1] [h2]Hephaestus Cabin ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center][/color] Colt smiled as she practically tripped over everything and nearly ruined the entire set just so she could get closer to him. He made sure to brace his hands on her hips, hoping that she wouldn't fall and hurt herself. He was luckily he didn't have a shirt on; the beer would have ruined any shirt that he would have had. He smirked at the nick-name. He liked it about as much as she liked "Princess"... He smiled softly after she kissed him and proceeded to listen as she went off on a quick information shoot about what happened while he was getting asked a bunch of questions about the damn horse he saw outside of Gideon's cabin earlier. He had missed quite a bit. A bunch of new kids and something goin' on with Ky. He smiled toward the ground as he listened, not looking up toward her until she was done talking. "Am I in most of your dreams, sweetheart?" he teased lightly, moving up closer to wrap his arms around her waist and rest his chin on her shoulder. He didn't bother answering the question about the song choice, as he didn't much care what she played since she always played pretty damn good music. His light colored eyes looked out over the floor, scanning the area as he recognized a few familiar faces in the crowd, none that he would actually like to talk to. He gently kissed Arianna's neck before he heard a gagging noise and one of his sisters yelled, "No PDA!" "Fuck off!" Colt yelled back at her, flipping her the bird as he moved his arms tighter around Arianna. Slipping his hands sneakily into her pocket, he pulled out the pill bottle and held it up to her face. "You shouldn't be forgetting about these, Princess. You know they help you, no matter how much you hate to admit it." He smiled at her, shaking the bottle in front of her face as he backed up a little bit. He pulled up the bottle to examine it. Kiran obviously brought it, as shown by the fact that she was still standing by and had been there when he showed up. He shook his head and let out a sigh. "I wish you'd stop forgetting. It's hard for me to remember to remind you." He chuckled under his breath and popped off the cap of the pill bottle. He pulled out two pills, took her hand, and gently placed them in her hand, enclosing her fingers around the two small things. Patting the top of her hand, he backed up again, looking over the whole crowd. "You're spinning some sweet tracks," he said, changing the topic so she couldn't convince him to take the pills back. He glanced at the light show that suddenly disappeared. He didn't take much notice of it, and he didn't think that the people on the dance floor did either. He moved forward again, leaning up against one of the tables so he could be in front of her and see her face again. Hiking up his shorts slightly, as they kept falling down without a belt, he said, "So what's this about Ky? I heard she got back from her quest, but nothing much more than that..."