David sighed. "I followed her as I hoped to ask a local hunter what they knew about Asmodeus. Thing is his cult's aren't your usual problem. Occasionally they sacrifice a virgin but their mostly whores, meaning that whenever they have sex it's restoring him." He said stepping in looking at the vampire and then Trinity. "And we can't go around icing anyone who tries to sell sex. Which means we go the route of the trap or we try to track down the source." He blew smoke sighing. He stood the staff straight up then lean on it, surprisingly it didn't move the staff support his wait. "The other thing Asmodeus is infamous for is impregnating young women with demons. My family killed him way back in the eighteen thirty-five, with thirty five of bloodline giving their lives. If we stop him before he enters our world then no one has to day or give birth to a demon. So, Anya still feel like hunting them knowing that we could be facing one of the great 72 demons of legends? Trinity you okay knowing that you could be taken by them and made to carry a demon." He smiled and put out the cigarette.