[quote]Without even looking towards Naoki she answered back about his whole comment on the murderers "I cannot promise that machete murderers will not be there. After all it would be a great test of your abilities. If you don't die of course, but if you were beaten by some random dude then you were not really up to this now were you?" It was sad but true as there were MUCH stronger mafioso out there wanting most of them dead. She did warn them about all this.[/quote] Ignoring the look Shiso was giving him with all the indifference of an NPC watching his friend die after being killed by a 100 Sneak player character in a Bethesda RPG, Hideaki drank from his tea and spoke with a characteristic nonchalance. [color=bc8dbf]"You [i]do[/i] know you've conscripted a bunch of middle and highschoolers, a good half of whom have never bared arms against an enemy, yes?" [/color]His sipped his drink, which was losing its volume fairly quickly and stroked the tail a few more times for good measure. [color=c4df9b]"Talk about a high bar! But I'm sure my peers appreciate your confidence in our abilities."[/color] [quote]"Also you enjoying yourself there boy?" Looking back once again she stared at Hide once again.[/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"Well the the air is too nipply for the summer, the sun's been shining in my face for quite some time, your tail - though fluffy and nice and various other adjectives - is giving me an uncomfortably inconsistent and-other-negative-adjectives temperature gradient across my body, Asuka is here, the cups are cumbersome to hold, and I had to cut my daily archery practice short to attend this shitshow with horrible food and cheap-ass drink. And now [i]someone[/i] is asking me rhetorical questions. Plus I think Kanesada-kun is trying to accost me with sexual liaison by that odd look in his eyes. So yes, I am doing pretty fucking great thank you very much."[/color] ...Is what he wanted to say, but instead of that long-winded spiel he ended up saying something much less likely to draw ire his way after taking another sip of his drink: [color=c4df9b]"Quite.[/color] [color=bc8dbf]I do hope there's no problem. I wouldn't want to start an incident."[/color] There was hints of a veiled threat to be interpreted behind those words, but it didn't seem like he intended for that at all. How odd. Perhaps it was a testament to the skill of Minase Hideaki in the arts of lying through his teeth and obfuscating his very self. Truly a masterful actor among the likes of those such as Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Keanu Reeves. [quote]".....There are not a lot I may say about myself. ... But I do favor the olden ways of our nation, when civilians carried swords as a companion. And... felines,... these curious creatures pique my interest..." As he spoke his last statement, his eyes fell down to the cat who purred in delight when Ren started to scratch under its jaw. Looking back to Hideaki, he expected an introduction of sorts to be returned.[/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"Ah, a traditionalist,"[/color] Hide remarked, setting down his cup. [color=bc8dbf]"How very much like my mother."[/color] That might not have been as good for Ren as it sounded. [color=bc8dbf]"Well I personally think sakoku, bakamatsu and all that tripe was an absolutely horrible establishment that did more harm than good,[/color] [color=c4df9b]but to each their own; I don't judge."[/color] He refilled his near-empty cup. [color=bc8dbf]'Out loud, that is.'[/color] He placed the pot back in the center of the table. [color=bc8dbf]"Anywho, you showed yours, now I have to show mine... so to speak. As you may have learned, the means of which I do not wish to know, I'm the captain of the school's archery club and resident role model to quite a few students as a result of my good works and, if I say so myself, charming personality."[/color] That was not a blatant lie; it was just a lie of omission. And somewhere during that introduction, you can probably imagine Asuka scoffing