Bloodstone entered the Temple as the gems talked about him right in front of him. [color=ed1c24]"Ok so, one at a time. No, I won't be going away anytime soon. Yes, I do have a lot of nerve... And what do you have against me anyway. And you owe my visit to the two gem-beasts and the Class Three Cluster that is on it's way towards Mohs Town. They're slow-moving and won't be here til dark but the town won't be able to tell the difference between them and the costumes of the humans. We need to intercept them.... and who knows, it might be a good learning experience for the young gems."[/color] Bloodstone finished his rant and looked towards Aquamarine and finally realized her appearance. [color=ed1c24]"..... Did Reggie steal my Humanic Disguise Generator and give it to you? You know, one of my Time-Stun Grenades went missing and I thought Chromite misplaced it... I'll have to give him a stern talking to."[/color] Blood started to walk towards Aqua to inspect the disguise when some large feline-like beast jumped from behind him. [color=ed1c24]"At least I thought they were slow-moving! This must be a different one all together![/color] Blood summoned his glaive and prepared to attack the creature whenever it left an opening.