[quote=@Zero Hex] Should I just create new units with ever-stacking win buttons after every battle? It's fine if people want something with a ton of gimmicks but I shouldn't have to tack extra ones on because people don't want weapons to damage their machines. That a player is already ignoring a character's special attack and taking just "paint damage" then doing a whole lot of assumptions to magically catch on to a machine going ridiculously fast in a straight line by using "shortcuts" in space doesn't bode well for those who don't want to godmod and constantly add new powers. That the GM seems to encourage a behavior that is generally frowned upon is even worse. [/quote] They also auto hit them. I don't care how good you think your (insert what ever here) is, you don't get to auto hit other player. Period. ESPECIALLY if said hit would cause significant damage. Like, ya know, taking off some ones head. OR killing them outright, like your basically say you should have been able to do.