Robert paid for the beer, slipping in a generous tip to the people working the stand (even if these were overpriced, he was sure these guys weren't getting much of that money). He held his beer and foam finger as the two made their way to the seats, giving nods and smiles to people as they squeezed by to take their seats. He wasn't a fan of being in the same section as the wealthiest of New York, but those thoughts were quieted when he saw Marian look over at him with a smile. He took a large sip of his beer. It was a nice day in New York, the ballpark music played, the players started to warm up on the field, and the beer was great. Her question put a grin on his lips and a hint of mischief in his eyes. He looked at her, took another sip and shrugged as he did so. "I mean if your dad asks, and it helps you relax a bit, I totally called him a dozen times to make sure it was alright, but he was so busy, and never called me back." Robert took another sip of his beer, putting his baseball hat on with his free hand. "But in reality I thought it'd be more interesting to take a walk on the wild side. We work for the law! It's alright to break rules every once in a while!... Don't quote me on that." Robert added, looking at Marian with fake sternness before giving a lighthearted wink. The audience stood for the National Anthem, Robert quietly singling along with his hat over his heart, and when it was over, he joined in with the crowd as everyone yelled "PLAY BALL!!!!" The crowd went crazy, and the two sat back down. Robert looked over at Marian an eyebrow raised. "So you've never been to a ballgame before. Even when you're a mega super fan?" He asked, still in disbelief. "What else haven't you done? For potential not-dates, of course."