People shuffled about the club in their own little world, they all had their own reasons for being out tonight, many wanting to score and temporarily forget their sad little existence within the walls of the city. Lately that's all she wanted as well. Dusk nodded at Anita, pursing her lips in consideration "Just before my New Order Prince Charming came along there I squeezed in next to this guy" Another drink was poured and swallowed. "Real sad eyes, I'm a sucker for sad eyes" she paused glancing back at Dominic who seemed to be finishing up his business with another person "Anyway though I'd make some small talk while I was waitin. Didn't catch all of what he said 'cause it's loud as fuck in here and he stuttered like fool....but he did leave this" she slid the napkin on the table towards Anita. Scrawled on the napkin - SEND HELP, PLEASE! PLEASE! 34th Floor, 2nd Department - Polis Detachment Building. PLEASE HELP- "...he seemed fucken desperate that's for sure" Dusk flashed a smile, her cheeks a lovely shade of rose red thanks to the alcohol- You could always tell when it was taking effect by redness of her cheeks and foulness of her words. "Now my pops always said to me 'When opportunity knocks you gotta get up and open the door' and honey I think I hear that door knocking..... What do ya think?"