The Senshin Gado's computer had finished up, and sent a copy of the Albatross's file to all of the other Sky Warriors for reference on the Codex [b][u][color=00a651]Scanning Complete[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Bomber:'Holy Albatross'] [img][/img] [b]Pilot: Ivan Stokes[/b] [b]Hunter Class[/b] [b]Heavily Armoured[/b] [b]6 Turret Machine Guns[/b] [b]4 AAM Missiles[/b] [b]Notes:[/b] The Holy Albatross is a deadly bombing unit that is built to shrug off damage from most machine guns and durable enough to survive multiple missile hits. For an effective attack you must [i]Shoot the cockpit as the glass is not that strong, although it is a small target![/i] OR [i]Smash the turbine engies with well placed missiles, to throw it off course.[/i] [/hider] ****************************************************************************************************************************************** [b]Holy Albatross:[/b] [i]HahahHAHAHAHAHA your bullets do nothing silly pilots! I see you have a new guest joining us? looks like a Ukranian model, it makes no difference you are all helpless, I will complete my boming run.[/i] Unfortunately the Bomber was correct, although [b]Izabelle's Duchess[/b] hit the enemy hard and on target the machine gun fire was ricocheting off the planes' thick armour as if it was BB pellets. The Bomber carried on its path with increased speed and managed to Yaw out of the way of most of the return fire from [b]Alfonse[/b] at the same time. The Pilot then responded by firing another AAM shot, but this time at [b]The Old Fart[/b]! Hoping to knock the rival bombing unit out of the sky. Roland was getting worried now, the codex was updated but was it too late? he couldn't attack the bomber himself as he was being chewed up by the fire of the leader..... [i]Goddamnit, I cant shake him! christ is anyone able to throw him off??[/i] Just as Roland spoke the [b]Slick Sexy[/b] came diving in on cue and started shooting and taunting the #1 Little Raven managing to land some decent shots with machine gun fire and completely disrupt his chase [b]Little Raven #1[/b] [color=9e005d][i]NOOO THE GEORGIAN??!! I WILL KILL YOU FIRST, YOUR PATHETIC KAMIKAZE LEADER WILL HAVE TO WAIT, COME BACK HERE.[/i][/color] The Little Raven Leader immediately pulled off from the Iron Jackson and began to shoot at reggie with extreme annoyance, the Leader was screaming mad but still incedibly quick and managed to tag Reggies wing for about 11% damage, pulling an immediate combat turn and catching the Rabbit's tail now chasing the The Slick Sexy at a high speed. [b]Little Raven #1[/b] [i][color=9e005d]#3 come in, take out the new ukranian model aircraft while I show this fool that Rabbits belong in the ground!!! TAKE THIS...[/color][/i] The Leader began to re-coordinate and managed to shoot a missile as he engaged Reggie which was locked on and gaining fast. Roland was out of the line of fire finally and pulled a gutsy U-Turn to re-engage though his beloved Iron Jackson was beginning to leak grey clouds of smoke from the engine.... [i]Nice Work Reggie! But you shouldn't have thrown yourself in there alone, this leader is out for blood.....[b]Kerry!![/b] nice work with the flares! Now see if you can support reggie as he tangles with this leader, I'll approach the bomber now that we got some good info from [b]Nishizawa[/b]........And good to see you with us [b]Izabelle[/b] you and [b]Alfonse[/b] can help smash this Albatross to bits!.........Nishizawa....heyyy watch out!!!!!![/i] Roland cursed himself for not seeing it earlier, #3 wasn't heading for Izabelle like he was told to, the coward had pulled a red herring and swooped back in on the Senshin Gado, with his Flak Gun! The angry pilot started pumping heavy explosive rounds at the japanese pilot for a whopping 45% damage!!! the rounds smashed heavily into the plane and there was red and black smoke everywhere!!!! [i]Nishizawa!!! No!!!! You sneaky Broken Bird Bastard...shes a scanner!!! come fight me!!!![/i] It was no use, Roland wasn't a Rabbit Class and wasn't able to distract the vicious pilot's attack on his squadmate, Roland fired up the iron jackson's engines and made an accelerated boost towards the the little raven #3 hoping he wasn't too late. [b]Little Raven #3:[/b] [i]OOhhhhh don't worry, my pretty little Japanese fool, I'll send you to the eternal sky as quickly as I can...... I'm sure the [color=ed1c24]The rest of the Hayabusa clan cant wait to see you join them in....thats right...we scanned you the moment you entered the fray, we know all about you Kaga!! HAhAHHAHAH[/color] [/i]