Jeltheor was able to keep an eye on the group in town through a magic orb he had picked up on his travels. His mood certainly perked up as he watched the Lord Marshall's execution. A mood that was dampened by the battle which proceeded. "Pitiful little mortals", he mutterred, regarding the band of warriors attacking Zargon. It seemed though, he hadn't noticed Genevieve, or the other demon who had joined in on the fighting. And if he had, they were of no concern to him as his attention was solely on Zargon and his escape. He wasn't done with him yet, and it was becoming quite clear that if Zargon couldn't find a way out, it would be the end for him. With a single wave of his hand, shadows begun to creep up around the group. "He did manage to secure the death of their pathetic leader, I can, at the very least, throw him a bone. Just as long as he knows it's from me." He muttered, disgust lining his tone. The shadows slink ed and slithered through the battlefield. Whether noticed or not, they were an unstoppable force, passing through whatever was in their was just as easily as the air that settled around them. One shadow loomed over the lioness before pouncing on her, just as she had done to the wounded demon. It's intention was to devour her whole, shredding any physical manifestation out of existence. Another shadow stretched it's shape into a humanoid form. It presented itself to Ioannes, just asking for a fight. The last shadow stood off to the side, but as close to Zargon as it could get. It stood with open arms as if ready to be consumed by the demon, offering whatever aid it could. Jeltheor had no true idea what the outcome of his actions would be, but he supposed it could work. How does one defeat a shadow anyhow? [@The Harbinger of Ferocity], [@Letter Bee], [@The Fated Fallen], [@ArenaSnow] [Center]----------------~~ยค~~------------------[/center] As the group lingered in the cave, strange things began to happen. Shadows cast on the cold stone walls around them began to move. It was a slight, subtle movement, barely noticeable to anyone that wasn't paying attention. They seemed to linger more near Robert, as if watching over him, or perhaps observing his movements. He would have felt that same eerie presence about, the eyes he felt watching him before he left the town. Soft whispers of chitter chatter echoed through the various tunnels and caverns, as if the shadows were communicating with one another. To top it all off, rumbling of rocks and gold and jewels could be heard. There was a disturbance somewhere in the large cave, but where exactly could not be specified. The tunnels of the cave were like a labyrinth, it was too easy to get lost. They all looked the same, and all lined with treasure. Some of the jewels were as big as a person's head. Even just a handful would make someone the richest being alive- if they could manage to get out alive that is. The halfling had successfully identified the artifact amongst the sea of jewels. Her attempt at seeing into the scholars mind paid off, otherwise it may not have been as easy. The tricky part now was to actually acquire it. Despite all that had been against them, despite all that could go wrong, and all that very well may still happen, it was right there within their reach. The chitter chatter from the shadows grew lounder, edging the group on. [@Belwicket] [@boomlover] [@Lucius Cypher] [@RokkuHoshi] [@KazeXDZ] [@Dragoknighte]