[color=BDBDBD][center][color=FFBF00][b]C H A S E[/b][/color] [color=ffffff][url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7429968,-75.5482754,3a,90y,326.23h,92.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWRNi00Id6yEUobIginSAuA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656][color=ffffff]University of Delaware Downtown Center[/color][/url] Wilmington, Delaware [@Pirouette] ---x---[/color] [color=ffffff][i]...Chase...[/i][/color][/center] He shook his head and kept walking. The door was only a dozen feet away and he knew the open air and the heat of the sun would clear his mind. [center][color=ffffff][i]...Chase...Stop...[/i][/color][/center] [color=ffffff]"Shut up..."[/color] He muttered under his breath. He closed his eyes and kept clicking the radio. Handful of steps now. [center][color=lightcoral]"Err, what are you doing?"[/color][/center] His eyes snapped open and he froze. It was the second time within the hour that someone had caught him off guard and this time it wasn't John but the woman he'd been traveling with. The blonde with [i]brown[/i] eyes. He'd glanced her over during their initial introductions. She was a smaller woman, a thin frame donning a patchwork of different articles of clothing all of which didn't quite match and the few articles of police gear. She was ever flanked by the Navy... except for now. Chase blinked as his mind caught up with itself. He realized he was just standing there in front of this woman not more than five feet from the door. Outside, they could both see the new arrivals filing out of their vehicles and the trio that had moved to greet them. He was sure that if they tried, they could see him too. Sunlight pierced through the glass of the doors and pushed between planks of wood nailed into the frame. White light threw itself across Ana's face, splashed against her hair turning it to gold... and then a faded yellow when she took a step back and into the shadows. His portrait disturbed, his eyes fell to her shoulder and followed the length of her arm down to the gun in her hand. She was gripping it, rather tight. [color=ffffff]"Am-"[/color] A name caught in his throat. He cleared it. [color=ffffff]Ana right?"[/color] He looked up at her and found her eyes, breaking into a smile and shaking his head. [color=ffffff]"Sorry I uh... I was just going to check out the new arrivals. I make it a habit to know who I'm surrounding myself with."[/color] As he finished his eyes returned to the gun. Her light complexion couldn't hide the white knuckled grip she had around the thing. It put him on edge if only because he wasn't entirely sure she knew how to handle a weapon. Sure she had the cruiser outside and maybe the pistol was one issued to an officer, he just didn't know if [i]she[/i] was the officer. He nodded toward her, toward the gun. [color=ffffff]"Like you."[/color] He paused putting some space between himself and a blank guess. [color=ffffff]"Police?"[/color] He asked, looking at her again. He already knew her answer to be some form of a no. That wasn't important. He just wanted to get her mind off whatever it was making her so nervous. [/color]