[quote=@Zero Hex] Sure lets ignore whatever points I might've made for my case in favor of me touching upon something else in passing. If I hadn't wanted you to dodge I would've instahit or said something along the lines of "impossible to avoid". You had options which you discarded in favor of doing what you did and which I will now proceed to spell out. "Oh I put all particle output on the GN Field", was one. Seems reasonable to me. The GN field is a thing your machine always had on the CS and particle shenanigans are the lifeblood of Gundam ever since the name Minovsky came up. You strengthen it at the cost of other systems and have it take damage and strain as you flee/approach taking hits. The Masurao also has Trans-am. You could've used this to dodge everything and I wouldn't have said a thing because it's a listed supermode for max gottagofast, would've allowed you to outmaneuver and charge down my mech and put it in a really bad position. Simple as that. Instead of doing any of this your character somehow magically dodged 10 reactor-fed machineguns with increased accuracy shooting at it with nary an effect and you made something up on the fly to better deny what I tried to do at no cost to your character. It wasn't a single hit thing, either. It was literally everything my gunpla has except for its giant area-clearing beam mounted on the chest. Proof of this is that someone sees what's happening because it's this one unit firing everything it has at another and is coming in to pick it apart. And it's not headcanon, beams are used precisely because you need very, very specific countermeasures to even provide a temporary defense against them and the Crossbone Vanguard uses things like the shot lancer so as to not destroy colony walls on accident. Hiding behind rubble, which implies that what you're hiding behind is already the broken or otherwise degraded remains of something, won't do much good when you have 22 mega particle guns focusing it down. MS with mega particle weapons, rather than the smaller beam weapons, are consistently referred to as having battleship-grade firepower and reactor-fed weapons are more powerful than ones functioning on e-pacs by virtue of having a whole generator powering them, such as with units like the Messala. The Geymalk is, canonically, a unit designed entirely around blasting areas to smithereens and it has funnels which I removed in favor of extra body mounted weapons. But sure, I'll leave, looks like we just don't see eye to eye on things. Hope you have fun with your game. Feel free to, IDK, destroy my character and have him kicked out or something. [/quote] Fine you run the rp you obviously want to lord your knowledge above everyone else and act like you know all while saying your paying attention to details when you just end up complaining when your way is not accepted you run the rp than since you think I dont know what im doing im out.