Everyone settle down and take a step back. Bickering, while it may feel justified on all sides, is usually unproductive and has been the death knell of many a good RP. The mods generally give all powers over an RP to whoever is GM, so I'm not going to try and override the GM's rulings/changes. That said, however, perhaps trying to come to some sort compromise over skills/powers you're clashing on (before continuing the RP) is in everyone's best interest. I'm happy to help mediate the situation and make sure this doesn't devolve into a flame war while discussions are had, if you'd like to have them. I'm not going to give my opinion one way or another on the matter -- I'm just here to help keep the hits above the proverbial belt line. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. Please, [i]respectfully[/i], continue.