[hider=Aedy] [centre] [img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0350/40/1411466516737.jpg[/img] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=IiefOJ1Li8c]"Generating more Hate than Donald Trump at a Feminist Convention."[/url][/i] [b]In-game Name:[/b] Aednat [b]Name:[/b] "Nope. Most people just go like - 'oh after the actress?' There are more people in the world than actresses, numbskulls." [b]Age:[/b] "What's the date again? Um... like 22 or something?" [b]Gender:[/b] "I'm not being coerced into society's binary view on gen- Hah! Imagine if I was one of those guys; that shit is way too progressive for me! Anyways, girl - I guess?" [b]Personality:[/b] "Hah! Je m'appelle Aed-y and I'm the biggest shithead in Eureddo! Why else would you run a combat control mage other than pissing off hardcore PvPers, after all? Being perfectly honest here - games are for escaping reality so why the hell would you play an upstanding member of society when you could be a maniacal pirate overlord? Games have always been about having fun to me and there's nothing more fun than annoying other people. Of course, I never let it go too far - wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now, would we? I'd like to think I'm smart. Maybe in real life I'm quite brainy, but in here, I'm an unpredictable mess. I guess that's why I stand out here - in a world where people are so focused on numbers and stats, they never really see it coming. People always have a plan in mind; maybe they're gonna go out and gather some resources or run a dungeon or somethin' but it's always there, it's always planned. Me? I couldn't give a flying shit quenched from the holy buttcheeks of God himself. That's what makes me dangerous, I guess? Or it could be that I put little to no value in anything I have. I have no doubt that if I wasn't playing Elder Tale, I'd be an alcoholic or a drug-addict or something. It's an escape and it's a bloody good one at that. When the going gets tough, I think I'm pretty stubborn yet loyal. There's a fine line you tread when you play a game that has become someone's entire life and I've never went out of my way to permanently harm someone." [hr] [b]History:[/b] "Fuck. Well, my life is practically a walking, talking cliche that comes with batteries included. Let's see, where does one start? I was born on the merry isle of Ireland, or more appropriately, the shitty Northern part of it that everyone forgets due to its general shittyness. I never really knew my dad, he was always away on business or whatever. He got me cool shit from America at Christmas and birthdays though - I guess that was alright? My mum? Yeah, she was the one I actually liked. We clashed a lot; probably because I seemed to have more in common with her than with my dad - we were both stubborn as high-hell. When we weren't fighting, we got on great. Anyways, roll on a few years and mum kicks the bucket. Dad grieved for a few months then this hot, little russian model practically glued herself to him and low and behold, he followed his dick instead of his head. Dad never really knew me so I guess the Russian bitch held more influence than I did because the house was sold, they bought some luxury yacht and little old me was sent to boarding school in England. It was one of those places where brains didn't matter an awful lot - as long as your daddy was rich or was a nobleman, you got on amicably. For me? It was fucking dreadful. Having to spend your entire daily life with a bunch of English cunts who make you wish that Communism actually spread across Europe is less than pleasant. Thankfully, as it goes, not all of the populous of that boarding school were twats that gravitated between this fad and that. There were nerds and me, with my almost incomprehensible accent and general outlandishness, fitted in amongst them with ease. It was with those guys that I discovered Elder Tale. We were all shit-tier at the start but we started early so we got the ropes pretty quickly. The game was immense in scope and had a type of world that you could just lose yourself in for days at a time. We were obsessed and we climbed in no time at all. Despite running multiple subclasses, we decided to all switch to the sailor subclass for the upcoming Silver Odyssey expansion. Once we maxed it, we bought a ship and formed the [i]Booty Hunters[/i] guild. After that? Well, we started generating some waves - destroying merchant ships, raiding seaside towns for the spoils of war! We were really quite infamous - merchants even began to hire combat guilds to protect their ships but combat guilds weren't used to fighting on the high seas. They were fun times but eventually, everyone just kinda moved on. About half of the original guild stayed on and although we occasionally did stuff together, the guild was all but inactive. When the Catastrophe hit, there was only me and another member on and what's a captain without her crew, right? [hr] [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] "Bitch have you seen my character? Two hours in character creation is dedication! It's female, fyi." [b]Race:[/b] "Fox Tail! What the hell else would you play? They're cute as fuck and they pack a punch!" [b]Class:[/b] "Sorc all day, everyday - gotta be doing all that damage!" [b]Class Level:[/b] "90. What else?" [b]Subclass:[/b] "Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be! Aka, sailor." [b]Subclass Level:[/b] "90 again. Is this starting to become a trend?" [b]Guild[/b] "Not much left of em now, eh? I guess our infamy will still live on as those guys who took a small mechanic in the game and made it into a very big headache for the economy! Yar!" [b]Build:[/b] [u]Mobile Combat Control Mage[/u] Typically, Sorcerers are placed as far from the frontlines as physically possible due to their glass-cannon nature. However, that's not the role that was set in stone for them. Aedy priorities her build around a skill called [i]Close Burst[/i] which is a toggle skill that allows the user to sacrifice the long range of the sorcerer in return for a massive increase of Magic Attack. However, she still has horrible defences and she can't stay for long so her abilities are all about AoE. Between the cooldowns of these spells, Aedy uses mobility spells to jump in and out of the frey alongside abilities that keep enemies away. It's completely chaotic but there's a rush to it that being a clear-cut sorcerer just can't provide. If she gets in a really bad situation, she uses an assassin stealth skill which she randomly got. However, due to its massive cooldown, its a poor fall-back. [hider=Spells/Skills:] Toggle, sacrifices range to greatly increase your Magic Attack. A ranged Fire-element magic that hurls a fist-sized orb of lava onto enemies. This lava ball bounces across enemy targets, dealing damage on impact. Since this skill if Fire-based, this is very effective against enemies weak against fire. One well-known trait of this skill is that it does not affect allies during combat, making it a popular skill among players. An area-of-effect attack spell that unleashes a torrent of chilling frost in a straight line, washing away opponents with Ice-element magic. Aside for its attack power, this skill is also known for its effect of "washing away enemies 'downstream'". This ability to push away mobs that try to approach the user gives it various uses aside from acting as a defensive move in combat. Automatically changes your Magic Attack's element to the target's weakness. A single-target, high damage lightning spell. Summons a dazzling array of bluish purple lightning shaped like a pentagram, capturing and dealing damage to enemies inside. This skill is considered to be a top class spell among ones in the Sorcerer's arsenal, and its effect is befitting of its title. On the other hand, this skill has a long reuse time and generates large amounts of Hate, so it is often used when enemy threats have been pinpointed. Short range teleport, but inaccurate. Long range teleport. Only works in a straight line and there must be no objects between you and your destination. Special Skill. Summons a black hole that ignores Defense. Often used as a boss-killer. A Lightning-property magic that shoots forth a bolt of bluish-purple lightning. Although it is categorized as a single-target skill, it's ability to break apart and hit enemies near the initial target makes it a pseudo-area-target skill. Serpent Bolt has a rather long reuse control time, but has a short casting time, making it a "quick cast" spell that many intermediate players prefer. Disregards enemies and terrain and moves while hidden. This is a reinforced stealth ability that is considered top class, it has many uses like surprise attack, reconnaissance, withdrawal and more. However it has a long cooldown, so it's not something that can be used often in one fight. When activated, the user sinks and disappears into their own shadow, and during movement you only see the effect of the shadow sliding Binds you and the enemy together in close range. Neither of you will be able to move while the skill is active. Swipes away enemies surrounding the user with one's weapon. Its cost and damage is balanced, and is considered as the signature area-of-effect skill of Swashbucklers and a skill often used by most Swashbucklers. (Useless as she uses a Grimoire) Requirement: Servant Summon. A spell that allows the summoner to possess a Servant Summon and directly control its body. Stats and skills become those of the Servant's. The Summoner's original body is controlled with simple commands, as if it were a regular Summon Servant. (Useless.) [/hider] [hider=Equipment:] [i]"Boots fashioned by the finest craftmens of the Alvs and sealed with the overwhelming magic of the Six Scrapped Princesses. These were gifted to the three couriers who carried their plans of war."[/i] [u]Phantasmal Class[/u] These boots increase the wearer's movement speed by 15% but also possess the unique ability to remove all sounds of movement completely. Highly sought after by assassins, Aedy got them by random chance when she decided to hop on with a few people she met online and do a few raids. Increases AGI and EVA. "Traditional clothing of the ancient sorcerers, typically wore into battle." [u]Production Class[/u] Slightly underpowered equipment for her level but they get the job done. These increase INT. [/hider] [hider=Weapons:] "Excavated from the deepest tombs in Eureddo, it's said that the tome will consume the souls of those who are not powerful enough to use it." [u]Ancient Class[/u] Aedy got this as a drop to a dungeon that her guild repeated a bunch of times after hearing that there was a cool skeleton-pirate drop from it. It increases INT and AGI but also serves as a pretty handy weapon for bashing annoying players without actually doing damage to them. [/hider] [hider=Inventory:] 1 "In ancient times, sailors reported seeing ghost ships fading in and out of the fog, destroying whatever they come across. It was said that the Dead Pirate King was the most terrifying being in existence and petrified all who laid eyes on him." [u]Multiple use[/u] This allows the user to transform their appearance into that of the Dead Pirate King. This doesn't increase any stats whatsoever but inflicts the [i]2spooky4me[/i] debuff on anyone that looks at you while wearing it. [/hider] [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR):[/b] F (0) [b]Agility (AGI):[/b] S (6) [b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] S (6) [b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] F (0) [b]Defense (DEF):[/b] E (1) [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] A (5) [/centre] [/hider]