[color=00a651][h3]Jarvoff[/h3][/color] [b]Location[/b]: Seven Hills city It could be worse, Jarv thought to himself. He could’ve ended up stuck on one of his unlevelled characters, with no money, equipment, or materials. He could’ve been logged on to a female character at the time of the Apocalypse. It could be worse. Jarv had been telling himself the same thing every day for almost a week now, ever since he’d woken up in Elder Tale. But no matter how many times he said it, he couldn’t shake this feeling of being stuck in the wrong place. Of course, he [i]was[/i] stuck in the wrong place. Elder Tale, suddenly real, with no apparent way to escape. He popped open the guild roster window again, as he had dozens of times before, hoping that somehow, a name besides his own would be highlighted. Still nothing of course. He sighed. Stuck in a video game on the wrong character, alone. Things could’ve been worse. But not much. The problem was he didn’t really have any friends outside of Millenius. There were plenty of people on his friends list, people he’d run raids or dungeons with before, crafters he frequently traded with, and more than a few he barely remembered adding. None of them were actually [i]friends[/i] though. Really, he should’ve raided the guild bank and quit long ago. It wasn’t as if there was anyone else to complain, and without the guildmaster Truc on, Millenius was as good as dead. Jarv just couldn’t quite bring himself to leave it though, not after all they’d been through together. Still, he wasn’t completely blind to the reality of the situation. A new guild could wait, but he was going to need new allies. He rose from his seated position without too much difficulty - his character’s height was close enough to his real height to not cause significant problems - and threw away the rest of his soggy cardboard flavored sandwich. Jarv holstered Balance of Judgement over his shoulder and winced slightly as the elaborate pommel poked him in the back of the head. The sword always had clipped with character models, which now meant that it poked him with irritating frequency. Grumbling about crappy model design, Jarv set off towards the city gates. Most players had succumbed to the lethargic atmosphere creeping over the city, only killing enough boars to pay for food and lodging. But there were occasionally players - either brave or foolish - who ventured farther out into the wilderness to try and level or get some basic gear. As he walked down the overgrown streets, Jarv absently noted people heading towards the plaza at the center of Seven Hills, but paid them no heed. He reached the gates and found himself alone. Without anything better to do, he unsheathed his sword, planted it in the ground in front of him and placed his hands on the pommel. He then activated a /pose command, automatically locking his body into that position so he could relax, even while appearing to stand vigilant. Then he settled down to wait.