[@Kronshi]Emerald froze up, numb to the animal, the thing that brought the animal, and Bloodstone's reaction to the animal. [color=ed1c24]"What do you have against me anyway?"[/color] The words echoed in his mind, and so did the memories, the memories of his first days alive. He stood up, seething with resentment, and proceeded to shout at Bloodstone, [color=00a651]"What do we have against you? What do we HAVE AGAINST YOU?! Don't take this the wrong way, or actually, do, I don't care, but almost everything bad that's happened to us happened directly because of YOU! Robots, GIANT EYEBALLS that BLOW US UP, having to learn that we apparently are some sort of reanimated version of shattered Gems, made in some sort of lab by you, THAT'S what we have against you!"[/color]