As the demon left the place, Ioannes was confronted by a shadowy being that assumed the form of a Black Knight, one which, in other circumstances, would have been an intimidating enemy. But Ioannes was one of the best soldiers - not warriors, soldiers - in the world, and if Zargon couldn't intimidate him, this puny Shadow didn't stand a chance. Heck, he already had a way to defeat the enemy, a way that depended on the nature of shadows... Walking backwards as if in fear, luring the Shadow where the sun shone brightest, Ioannes, reacting quickly, angled his sword so that it would reflect the most light, besetting the enemy with as much brightness as possible. If what he knew was right, then the Shadow Creature would be destroyed by the flash, or at least be heavily damaged. If not, well, he would just try and cut the enemy down. Once he was free of any engagement, Ioannes would observe the situation; the group was still fighting; even though Zargon had vanished, there was still another demon, one besetting the Scholar, who turned out to be a Mage. And said demon was besetting the final guard, pressing on against him and trying to knock him back. Without waiting to see if the knockback maneuver worked, Ioannes drew his crossbow and made to aim at Artolath - not that he knew what the Demon's name was - before having his shoulder tapped by a mysterious figure, a tall, but hunched, person wearing a beggar's hood and cloak. Turning around in sudden alarm, the Mamluk found himself staring at an old woman's golden eyes and greying red hair, recognizing them as that of Sabira, one of the Girayid network on the island. Trying to hide his disdain of the [i]child-snatcher[/i], Ioannes spoke: "What are you doing here? Can't you see there's a battle afoot?" Ioannes could not wait to help Ionathan; he rather liked the guardsman. This merely caused Sabira to scowl, and whisper: "That may be, but I've received new orders from the Homeland. Waldenshore, and the rest of Silver Lily Isle, is to be made friendly to us; whether as an ally, vassal, or [i]annexed[/i]." "Yes, yes yes," Ioannes whispered back, "as if the latter two options won't alienate other nations from us more than we've already done. Although the first and third do mean that the practice of kidnapping orphans from the island would at least be halted. And, yes, yes, I know they're going to have a better life in Giray than in this war-torn island; it's still a hard blow to their minds." "Are you going to listen to me, or are you going to kill my patience with your political tracts?" Sabira then continued on. "We've been collecting intelligence on various influential figures in Waldenshore, figures we might need to concilate, sideline, or get rid of. You're going to need to hear this; in fact, it's orders that you listen to me." "First up, there are seven advisors, but only three of them matter; Fredrick, the Merchant, Allura, the Priestess, and Cortana, the late Lord-Marshal's mother and wife of the former Lord-Marshal. Fredrick is a closet supporter of Giray, Allura is opposed, not just to our practice of giving children a better home, but also to being part of a larger religious [i]Millet[/i]. As for Cortana, she's a patriot, but here's the thing; she was born in the Empire, to one of the secular [i]Millets[/i]. That means she can go either way. Your job is to support Frederick, sideline Allura, and find out what Cortana's true allegiances are. Also, I've noticed you being friendly with that guard; try to get as much influence with Waldenshore's 'army' as much as possible." "I will be your pawn," spoke Ioannes, "but I am doing this only to fulfil my own goals; remember that. Now, can you please allow me to help my...acquaintances in the battle?" "All right, all right," Sabira left, allowing Ioannes to finally shoot his crossbow at Artholath, and hopefully save Genevieve and Ionathan... [@The Harbinger of Ferocity], [@Jon Y], [@The Fated Fallen], [@IcePezz], [@ArenaSnow].