Erion just stood there as the Viera started to leave, going out to not get into the fight or anything. He frowned a bit. This could be bad if they lose valuable allies like them, but it was their choice. If they wanted to leave, then he could not stop them. Then Holliander started to walk, going back to his camp. First he was in rage, then hes that calm... maybe it was possible that none of the 2 were traitors and that it was a big misunderstanding? He just did not know. He just hoped that the group could figure out soon. Until one of them go and actually does something abnormal, both of them should be watched for. He then looked at Robert. "I best go back to get Rose. Flying that wyvern sure was something, but it is best if I stay with my birds for now... although this was a experience I... actually enjoyed, even if it was rather high in the sky." he says before going back to the stable, hoping the wyvern was still there. Never knew, maybe he could ride one into combat one day... but would it be the same for what he learned while riding his birds? Probably not... but he could still see about this.