I have nothing against his nation, either. I just feel atom guns and nuclear reactors would inevitably lead to a massive tech creep. Clock jokes about my 15m wide jet exhaust mounted on watercrafts but that's just one-off exaggeration made for fluff madness. I deliberately tried to make my vehicles to center on pre-war themes in general. Case in point in me being probably the only nation who uses cavalry tanks as my main force instead of using the mid-WW2 style light, medium, heavy tank mix most nations have in the RP. It's true that nuclear research was far from anything new. America also had an experimental nuclear reactor before even the war. But that's different from having atompunk/fallout style tiny nuclear reactors put into everything. At this stage I may as well just declare I arm my elves with portable weapons grade lasers and nobody could say a word. That was the issue. That and these reactors being a ridiculously huge hazard. Shielding these things would be near-impossible, scaling down the mechanism is a nightmare and the recoil generated by these nuke-pumped guns would be too big for a humanoid to bear. I made calculations before with artillery using nuclear detonations to launch shells. This would be worse. I really don't wish to impede Romero's creativity but his concept was too much for the setting. I wish he could return with new ideas.