[color=gray][h3] Ox[/h3][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Seven Hills City, Mission Board Ox looked at the mission board with mild interest. Yet another of the Kings' attempt at giving some meaning to the game. Well besides getting plenty of sleep and figuring out her gender crisis. She'd spent half the week considering whether she should hit on anyone, and if so a guy or a girl. Then given up and kept sleeping. However sleeping was only fun when it involved not doing anything else. She was in her dancing outfit of course because that was what she always wore unless she was fighting something, which gave people the misconception that she was some sort of dps class. Well that and the whole runes engraved on her forehead and [i]very[/i] visible arms and legs marking her as a race of ritual. If this 'armor' didn't help her dancing so much and wasn't so comfortable... After the two who set up the mission board left and there was a good bit of murmuring Ox mentally shrugged and stepped up to have a look at the mission board. Maybe there were so cool rewards, of course it wasn't like Ox could do any super high level things anyway given she was only level 30 but still. Anything vaguely interesting on here?