[@Undine] [hider=Laney Chandler] [center][h1]Laney Kaire Chandler[/h1] [img] https://40.media.tumblr.com/233494a5252a1936e0fb46fb3a618a8e/tumblr_nxvmuy5uEJ1trgnw9o1_500.jpg [/img] [i]She likes to see the best in people; I like to see the truth. [b]-Laney Chandler[/b][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=DF017b][b][u]Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Laney Kaire Chandler [/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Nicknames[/u][/b][/color] [indent]It’s rather hard to make a nickname from Laney, but she’s open to suggestion. [/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Age[/u][/b][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Gender[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Sexual Orientation[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Grade Level[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Junior[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The first thing people notice about Laney is that bright smile that always seems to decorate her face, her dark blue eyes a subtle contrast to the healthy glow of her skin; blonde hair falls in waves to outline her face, often taking the form of unkempt curls extending long past her shoulders towards the middle of her back. Soft palette make-up generally finds its way on to her face, often a soft pink lipstick and mascara if she’s too rushed to sit there and do it properly. Laney stands around 178cm and weighs close to 140lb last time she checked, but she has slacked slightly on her exercise routine, just don’t tell her mother, so that might have changed. If asked she would say she was average build, nothing too outstanding about her, as much as her mother had tried to prod and pull her into a certain body shape. The one think her mother did manage to instill in her was a love of high fashion; she’s often seen wearing a dress or a blouse with dress pants and heels. She very much exudes and has the looks of a well put together young lady, but then years of debutante balls and classes will do that to a girl. She often wears either something with long sleeves or a light jacket making a conscious effort to cover the old worn track marks running up the inside of her arms, that and lots of concealer. She secretly loves to lounge around in sweatpants and oversized pajamas if she can get away with it. [/indent] [hr][center] [img] https://49.media.tumblr.com/bedb555eaeca40000e4244ce23ad9ad8/tumblr_nj063tVMPR1s5mtxjo1_500.gif [/img] [i]"Maybe you don’t know what I’m really like."[/i][/center] [hr] [color=df017b][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] [indent]If someone had to describe Laney it would probably be a happy and bubbly. That she’s someone easy to approach and even easier to befriend, one of the most honest and open people they’ve meet. They wouldn’t be wrong, after all Laney had spent years perfecting her persona, and in a sense it was a part of who she is but that’s not all there is to her. That version of Laney is what her mother had groomed her into, someone who could take an insult with a smile and deliver the cruelest words with the sweetest smile. Someone who could walk the high life of society and not miss a beat, a timeless young lady with all the class and elegance befitting her status, and while she enjoyed how flawless she was as that person it leaves little room for her to figure out who she really is. Underneath all the masks and fluff Laney has a free spirit who loves finding about new things, being coped up in a gilded tower for the majority of her life she knows little about the lower class end of living, even with her previous relationship showing her part of it she’s not sure how to handle it on her own and often reacts to new things with a childish demeanor. Used to the back stabbing and petty ways of the girls she grew up with when she finds someone that seems genuinely nice and interesting she’s take a genuine interest in them and often become a little too attached and think too highly of them. It’s hard to see past her debutante persona, but it almost seems to perfect, too forced, as if it was a routine she was going through no emotion or spark rested behind it. If you catch her alone you can find her cling to herself as if she was freezing, a look of a self-depreciation and loathing plastered across her face for a bleak second. She’s slowly regaining her naturally happy disposition but she still waivers away from legitimate relations and attachments. [/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Likes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Candy [*]Cold Weather [*]Warm Colors [*]Debating Semantics [*]Shopping [/list][/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Needles [*]Conformity [*]Phone Calls [*]People Who Make Assumptions [*]Superficial Arguments [/list][/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Fears[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Philophobia[/indent] [hr] [center][img] https://49.media.tumblr.com/b2841087f82159c34997c470b037b8ee/tumblr_mv4wzcj2vO1stkt30o1_500.gif[/img] [i]"The problem with fairytales is they set a girl up for disappointment. In Real Life the Prince goes off with the wrong Princess."[/i][/center] [hr] [color=df017b][b][u]Strengths[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Negotiating [*]Acting [*] Motivating People [*]Natural Leader [*]Knows What She Wants [/list][/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Athletics [*]Naivety [*]Art [*]Softening Her Words at Times [*]Overly Loyal [/list][/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]History[/u][/b][/color] [hider][indent]The daughter of two of the most prominent noblesse of New York, Laney has had all the training and more one would expect starting since she was 4. Beauty pageants, revealing, debutante balls, galas, all her life Laney was forced from one dress to another. By the time she was thirteen she was suffocating under all the lace and bustle, the lessons and lectures had become too much for the young girl. Meeting Alice changed almost everything and nearly ruined the rest; against her mother’s better wishes they admitted Laney into a private school of lesser regard. A leniency to the young girl’s constant begging for a chance to see what a normal life was like. - Madame Prions’ School for the Elite- Laney was so excited to be going to a school away from the same group of petty girls she had grown up taking lessons with, though to her mother they were her friends and they all went to each other’s houses for make overs and sleep overs. The first few weeks were tough as no one wanted to talk to the new girl, most of the students had come from the same feeder schools and they knew each other, but that was middle school for you. It wasn’t until Alice boldly walked over and introduced herself to Laney that she felt like she could maybe make a real friend. Alice was everything Laney wanted to be, she was carefree, open, did what she wanted, and often got away with doing it as well. To that small fourteen year old girl someone not bound by the same rules was so surreal it was like glimpsing at another life. They soon became fast friends spending almost all their free and studying time together. Alice taught her how to cheat and sweet talk her way out of trouble, Laney showed her how to throw shade and act like a damsel in distress. It was in good fun, they would often get busted for being up past lights out sitting around giggling and talking. The first year was probably the best year of her life. All she could talk about over summer break was Alice and how she couldn’t wait to go back to school and see her again. Much to her mother happiness Laney easily breezed through her summer lessons, skimping through some of the assignments and talking her way out of the rest. It was also the summer Jeremey moved in next door, but he was just the boy next door and Laney just saw him as friend she wasn’t allowed to see without a chaperone but they could sit there for hours talking and laughing. Both he and Alice gave her birthday cards; Alice wrote about how boring her summer at home was but she had made a new friend this new guy that was coming to school with them next year and she couldn’t wait for Laney to meet him. He was a really cool guy who knew all about the grimy side to living. Laney wasn’t sure about this new guy, but she was willing to give anyone Alice liked a chance, after all she wasn’t one to say no to her best friend. It turned out that the guy had turned Alice on to smack, but Laney didn’t learn that till later. She only knew him as Eric but Alice seemed to adore him and spent most of her time with him. Laney chalked it up a little girl crush and that she would get it over it soon enough, so she turned her attention back to her studies, writing to Jeremy every so often about how school was doing, not realizing she was slowly starting to crush on him. It was the end of the semester when Alice told Laney she wasn’t coming back next year, that she had no intention of going to high school. Her and Eric we’re going to head out for California and get jobs as models and live the rich famous life without having to work for it. Nothing Laney said could change their minds; they just kept saying if she could see the world like they did that she would understand eventually cruelly teasing that she was a square. It kept going until Laney was afraid she was going to lose her best friend allowing herself to be talked into trying heroin for the first time. Her summer passed in a blur of the three of them hopping trains and spending their parents’ money to get their hands on more, her lessons slipped and her mother was infuriated. Alice always said it was because her mother was jealous about her freedom and it was nothing to worry about. There we’re a few days when Jeremy would come over and try to talk to her, but she would just ignore him part of her ashamed to let him see her like this. By the beginning of fall her parents shipped her off to the best boarding school they could find, trying to separate her from Alice. For a while it didn’t work, the girls would write each other constantly but eventually the letters stopped coming and Laney lost her connection, her only saving grace was the letters from a certain boy next store. For the next two years she desperately clung to that boy, they eventually started dating and she slowly rebuilt her life listening to whatever her mother told her. Her grades returned where they needed to be, and she even learned to plaster on a fake smile again and pretend the world was nothing but sunshine and rainbows. Eventually everyone thought that she had but that random streak of rebellion behind her, that it was just a mistake and all should be forgotten, and though she kept some of the skills she picked up that summer Laney focused more on her relationship with Jeremey taking him with her to her coming of age ball, she went with him to his senior prom as his date. She thought they were [i]the[/i] couple to be, but a few weeks before she left for Ashbury he stopped talking to her, dropping her like a dirty pair of shoes. She's spent the past few weeks refocusing on herself and picking up the pieces wondering what she did wrong this time to loose someone else close to her. [/indent][/hider] [color=df017b][b][u]Favorite Memory[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The first time she got to experience the high life of the city, she was a four year old girl all dolled up and in a gorgeous gold dress, it was a gala for the ages, glittering lights and masks everywhere as everyone was caught up in a sweeping whirlwind of dancing and laughter. She honestly thought that must be what heaven truly looks like, a never ending party and array of elegance. [/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Least Favorite Memory[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Her first and last heartbreak; it was their anniversary and she was waiting there all dressed up at the restaurant for hours hopefully watching the door. She sat there till closing when the manager called her a cab and kindly broke the news that it didn’t seem like he was coming. [/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]What corporation sent you to Ashbury?[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Phantom Security Small but fast growing high end security company out of New York, under the current leadership of Ryan Kellard, a young prominent man in his prime, it celebrated its 5th birthday last month and its largest year of new contracts. While the number of clients have started to skyrocket and Ryan has seen a lot more influx in need for security he hasn't been able to land any major clients that would give his company the recognition and publicity it needs for him to launch the opening of a new branch in Europe or possibly Asia that would allow him to do security for politicians and performers as the traveled outside of the states. Laney's family had little ties to the CEO, having only meet him a few times at her mothers debutante balls and galas arranged for the elite of society to indulge and engage in idle gossip. Having grown up on listening to the elegant way those old harpies went at it, she picked up a few mannerisms and habits. It wasn't until one night that Ryan observed the young girl talk her way out a speeding citation, she had been doing 90 in a 55, without bringing up either of her parents names, just using her wits and smile to convince the officer that she had a valid reason in speeding, that the car would cut off if it went under 70 so she didn't want to chance it. A blatant lie even Ryan could tell that but he was shocked to see the officer drink it down like it was water. It was few days after that the young CEO made contact with her family offering them a chance to send their daughter to the most prestigious school in the country for a chance to be groomed and formed into his successor so that he might step down and focus more on the expansion then dealing with the politics and negotiating with dignitaries and other irate costumers having no skill for it himself. It was an odd request to be sure, a young male wanting a strangers daughter to take over his company, but her parents jumped at the idea of spreading the family legacy farther, letting it touch and soak into [i]that[/i] schools soil. Oh how they would be the talk of the town for years to come. So off she went without a word for debate or her own opinion. [/indent] [hr] [center][img] https://45.media.tumblr.com/729290dbef2796307adb3adc7bd88767/tumblr_n4uzdj5CvC1qjzvcco1_500.gif[/img] [i]"The past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present."[/i][/center] [hr] [color=df017b][b][u]Birthday[/u][/b][/color] [indent]October 29th, 1998[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Astrological Sign[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Scorpio.[/indent] [color=df017b][b][u]Twitter Name[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list] [*]Twitter: @GottaChandler [*]Tumblr: DanceUnderTheClouds [/list][/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/4853664b96f97f4e6bc6924ad09f135b/tumblr_mtcc7qZh2K1svpu3co1_500.gif[/img] [i]"I don’t wait around to be disappointed again. So excuse me if I don’t fall for that or you ever again.” [/i][/center][/hider]