A ceiling fan slowly rotated overhead, barely blowing onto the long table down below. The room had once been lavish, the far wall lined with various alcohols, the table itself a mahogany piece, but the atmosphere felt too solemn to enjoy any luxuries. Bastian entered, locking the door behind him. Strolling forward, he placed a singular pizza down onto the table, one piled with toppings and tasting strongly of garlic. Normally meetings mandated larger amounts of food, but this was no such time; he only brought the pie out of formality anyways. The leader always provided food for meetings. Taking a seat, he deeply inhaled a cigarette, and took a long stare over the room. Only a small handful present, though among them was Calava. It was no surprise his top enforcer was alright. Still, sitting nearby was the new member- Alissa. She was still a pup, learning the ropes. Bastian withdrew the cigarette, and exhaled a large cloud, sifting out from behind his teeth. "I trust you're all aware of the nature of our meeting." he began, "So I'm going to cut to the chase. We have an assassin thinning our ranks, and I don't know if it's a human hunter, a turncoat from our own, or some vampire got too big for his fucking boots, but I want his head on a stick." Gritting his teeth, he ground the butt into an ash tray. "To make matters worse, we can't strike until we've confirmed his identity. If we strike the Blackbloods and it's a Human monster hunter, we waste resources and lives on a war while they're still hammering us. The other way around, and we're just drawing attention while the leeches laugh their asses off." the werewolf growled, momentarily gritting his teeth before composing himself. "I've already contacted other cells, and told them to spread the word to all members. They'll pack heat and lay low while we settle things here. The initial panic is over, so we can focus on what's important." "The rest of the meeting will be dedicated to the identity of our wannabe woodsman. Potential leads, areas of interest, and creating a spy network. Any questions?"