[@Tracyarmav] As soon as it was possible, Elizabeth did, in fact, jump out of the vehicle and run to her mother's side. The woman was in obvious pain, and the leg that had been hit was, as expected, twisted at a very odd angle. It grossed Elizabeth out, but at the moment, she was too worried about her mother to let it draw her away. Her mother kept saying, "My baby," through struggled, pained breaths as Elizabeth ran toward her. "Momma," she said in an almost mutter as she knelt beside her. There was something off about the way her mother's face looked. It had been over three years since the last time she'd seen her. Her face had grown...tougher, maybe? Elizabeth shook her head; she shouldn't be bothered with it now. She moved aside when Dmitri joined them with what looked like an amplified first aid kit. She eyed it a bit warily as he shuffled around in it. "My leg," Annalise said to him. Elizabeth looked at it again, closer this time. It was oddly bent at the knee, and there was blood soaking the cloth of her pants. Then, she looked up at Dmitri. For some reason, she felt an immense trust in him that he could fix it somehow. She grabbed her mother's hand wordlessly and squeezed it. Annalise responded by squeezing Elizabeth's hand as well.