[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RfcK7pe.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpbZW07z-Zk[/youtube] [i]“World conquest… has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”[/i] [i]We thought this was YGGDRASIL. We thought we were doing the right thing. Were… were we wrong?[/i][/center] [hr] [h1][color=lemonchiffon]||[i] The Story[/i] ||[/color][/h1] [hr] So. There you were. The last of your kind. Facing down the end of an age. Defeated yes, but not alone. [i]Never[/i] alone. As you and what few guildmates you could manage to network together for one last big blowout on the Evening of Crash (what many players lacking in style and imagination had taken to calling the cancellation of YGGDRASIL, an event so dreaded its reputation near the end had become almost apocalyptic) eat and drink happily, the nonexistent ale leaves a bittersweet aftertaste as you and your friends swapped stories and discussed the adventures that used to be. Is this really the end? Is this what all your hard work, friendships and connections amounts to in the end? A quiet refund and a “game over” screen? Unacceptable. You were the kings of YGGDRASIL once. Okay, well, maybe not kings. Grand viziers or princes at least though. Still, this was your world! Who are they to take it away from you? And who are those among you who would dare go quietly, slinking out the doors of the guild hall as if accepting the inevitable, refusing to stay with YGGDRASIL and your friends to the very end? You keep your mouth shut, not wanting to ruin the mood of the party for everyone else on the last night of service. This was everybody’s goodbye. They deserve to enjoy it. Who are you to complain? But as the night winds down and everyone who hasn’t left or logged out inevitably gets drunk and groggy on real drinks instead of fake ones (or pretends to if they’re underage), you decide in a drunken stupor to speak your mind. You ask them all a very simple question. To your dear friends, the ones who’d stay with you to the end, and even to the NPCs for their years of faithful service. [i]“What if YGGDRASIL didn’t have to end?”[/i] Of course you don’t expect anyone to take it seriously. It’s just your way of expressing the anger and frustration you feel at the culmination of what feels like a life’s work. And the sadness of seeing something that brought you so much joy come to an end. But to your surprise, everybody else agrees with you. Maybe the drinks or the mood have opened up their hearts in a way online interaction so rarely does, but they all express the same earnest wish to you from the bottom of their hearts. [i]“We don’t want YGGDRASIL to end either.”[/i] They all smile at you, waiting. You can’t say anything. To say anything would be to ruin this precious moment. The last memory you’ll have of YGGDRASIL and the guild. But you have to say something. Before you make this weird for everyone. Your voice shakes as you shed tears none of them will ever see the entire time your lips are inexplicably curling into the saddest smile you’ve ever seen. The clock counts down to ten. With renewed strength and emotion, you raise your glass and give your thanks to the guild. [i]“Cheers!”[/i] The clock strikes zero. Zero zero: zero zero. Then, a miracle happens. It counts back up to one. Everyone looks around. Are the clocks running ahead? Did some disgruntled employee who will be receiving praise from the gamers and some strongly-worded reprimands from his boss tomorrow decide to extend the server life by a few hours? The room is deadly quiet. No one’s even lowered their glasses yet. That’s when you hear it. A low, soft, almost silent rumbling, like an earthquake. The room remains perfectly silent and still because it’s so far underground, but you definitely hear the sound of the earth moving. Lowering your glass, you get up out of your gilded chair to go and investigate, thinking for sure this must have something to do with the server shutdown. You’re so busy contemplating what must be going on that you don’t even hear one of the NPCs calling your name as you leave the room. As you urge the large blast-proof bunker-like doors that protect the guild hall to move aside, shouldering your way through the tiny crack into the beautiful night sky, you’re met with a blast of crisp, cold air that smells like pine and earth. And it’s not what you see that tips you off. It’s not the mountainside literally shedding rocks like dandruff as your guild hall displaces the mountain around it. It’s not the unfamiliar night sky. It’s that smell. The smell of fresh air, and the taste of dirt. [i]YGGDRASIL never supported smell and taste.[/i] You meander outside in disbelief, taking a few deep breaths and even embarrassingly licking your armor and tasting a few of your items just to confirm what you’re feeling. This is real sensory feedback. Which means… oh shit. You’re not in YGGDRASIL anymore. But you’re amazed by just how much it looks like it. Your guildmates and the NPCs come rushing to your side, displaying an unusual amount of personality and independence you never knew they were capable of (the NPCs that is, unless your guildmates were truly that boring to you). As you gaze out at the stunning scenery and the accidental destruction brought on by your dramatic arrival, you all have the same question on your minds. [i]“Have we been transported to the world of YGGDRASIL?”[/i] After a few long hours of searching and investigation, the answer to that question is: you don’t know. What you do know is that you and your small group have been transported to an unknown location that looks an awful lot like YGGDRASIL, but with some alarming dissimilarities. And you have no idea how you got there or how to get back. The NPCs and monsters have all come alive in ways you never could have anticipated, and the world’s taken on a depth and verisimilitude that’s almost frightening to you. Taste. Smell. Touch. Hunger. Exhaustion. [i]Pain.[/i] What’s worse, it seems you’ve landed in what might be the most desolate, backwater human nation there is, a kingdom bordered by dwarves and so cut off from the rest of the world that they barely know what magic is. The land is familiar, fraught with peril of course (if only for the locals), but also just strange enough to be considered foreign to you, and unsettling in its disarming similarity. What’s the same? What’s different? Was anyone else brought here, and is this really the world of YGGDRASIL that it appears to be? And as if only to add to your problems, there are rumors of a new power rising in the north near the heart of the continent. A small organization with the power of many concentrated in the hands of a few. Cloaked in shadow, this mysterious group of god-like entities is known only by the dreaded name of “Ainz Ooal Gown”... Hey, don't complain. You got your wish. Now YGGDRASIL never has to end. [hr] [h1][color=lemonchiffon]||[i] Overview[/i] ||[/color][/h1] [hr] Welcome to this Overlord RP of mine! I’ve been thinking of making something like this for a while, but this is the first time I’ve put any of the ideas I’ve had to digital paper. Basically, you are a group of YGGDRASIL belonging to a as-of-yet unnamed guild (I’ll leave that part up to you) of middling to average importance who were transported to the New World along with your guild hall on the night YGGDRASIL shut down. You find yourself in a strange new world that seems similar to YGGDRASIL, but you know nothing and no one there. Your first contact with other people comes in the form of a small nameless kingdom. Militarily weak, exploited by dwarves and besieged on all sides by monsters, they appear to be some of the last vestiges of human civilization in this region. And you have the power to save them. But… will you? Maybe you’ll exploit them to suit your own needs like the dwarves. Or maybe you’ll just leave them to be devoured by monsters and the legions of the damned while you look out for you and yours in a world where nothing is familiar and nothing you know can be taken for granted. This is an RP about you and your guildmates, and the effects you have on the New World as godlike player characters. Establishing a power base, protecting the locals, surviving the trials of living in a new world and even waging war on anyone who threatens your chances of survival. These are all things you can and maybe must do in this strange new world. And maybe, for those who seek it, you might even find a way back home. … pffffft. Yeah right. [hr] [h1][color=lemonchiffon]||[i] Rules[/i] ||[/color][/h1] [hr] [hider= 1. In-Character Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]1.01[/b]] The usual rules. No godmodding, metagaming, powerplaying, autohitting, etc. [[b]1.02[/b]] Swearing, alcohol, drugs, and (off-screen) sex are fully permitted in the RP long as you do not do it excessively. [[b]1.03[/b]] There may be character deaths in this RP. By submitting a sheet, you acknowledge that your character will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. If your character does something dangerous, then they may get injured or die (unlikely given your nearly almighty status, but it could happen if you make some particularly egregious mistakes or if I think it’s funny). Don't godmod your way out of it. I won't purposely go out and kill characters (in fact I’d rather keep everyone alive unless someone gives me a reason to [i]really want you dead[/i]), but I may purposely injure or inconvenience them for the sake of the story. [[b]1.04[/b]] You are required to post once a week or you will placed as inactive. But, please say if you're leaving the RP, especially if you're in the middle of any interactions/important subplots. Any inactive characters will be forgotten about, or killed off if they were significant enough to the story. However, everyone is free to do as they please with any inactive characters. [[b]1.05[/b]] I don't care too much about post length. I rather have a short meaningful post over one full of filler. That said, all I want is [i]one[/i] paragraph. Just one. Be prepared for some long posts every now and then. However, I expect average writing [i]at least[/i]. I also recommend that, once we get into the mix of things, you do plenty of collaboration posts.[/indent] [/hider] [hider= 2. Out-of-Character Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]2.01[/b]] Respect everyone else at all times, please. Solve conflict with civility. Last thing I want is for things to become toxic and halt the RP because of drama. Do as Dirty Bomb says: Don't be a dick. [[b]2.02[/b]] I and anyone I may select for co-GM status now or in the future have the final say. I don’t wanna be a tyrant, but if things get out of hand, I [i]will[/i] step in. [[b]2.03[/b]] I'd rather that we talk on the OOC as much as possible - even if it's irrelevant chatter. It makes the RP seem more lively, and keeps everyone attached to it. Skype is awesome if you have it! [[b]2.04[/b]] I’m going to try to be critical when judging sheets, both in a metagame sense and an aesthetic sense - please don't take it as a personal attack if I ask you to change some things so your character will fit in better with the RP. [[b]2.05[/b]] Feel free to ask about anything, anything. I'll happily answer them.[/indent] [/hider] [hider= 3. Character Creation Rules & Notes] [indent][[b]3.01[/b]] This is a high-casual/low advanced RP, I expect a moderate amount of detail when writing your sheet. Try not to make your characters too one dimensional. Look at my sheets for an example if you have to. [[b]3.02[/b]] You have a great deal of freedom when creating a character. You can make someone of any gender, sexuality, background, etc. As long as it's written respectfully, we should have no problems. [[b]3.03[/b]] I'm gonna say it now; I'm not a fan of one-note characters, especially stereotypical badasses or generic psychopaths. One-dimensional can work for minor characters if that’s what you intend to play, but major characters like you’ll be playing should have some depth. Even if it’s not immediately visible on the surface or it doesn’t come up until we’re well into the RP, I want you to at least put some thought into your characters and get inside their heads a bit. [[b]3.04[/b]] I’m willing to be flexible with powers since you’re supposed to be unstoppable demigods. However what does and doesn’t fly is still up to my discretion, and if I see anything that looks like it could cause an undue amount of grief to me or your fellow players, I will question you about it and possibly ask you to remove it. [[b]3.05[/b]] This is a fandom RP inspired by a light novel and its anime adaptation. That means no IRL photos for your character description or appearance. Use actual drawn art, please. This is something that [i]really[/i] trips my trigger/grinds my gears/rustles my jimmies, so please respect it and try to make it look like your character would belong in an anime. If you’re having trouble finding a picture, I suggest searching on one of the boorus.[/indent] [/hider] [hr] [h1][color=lemonchiffon]||[i] Character Templates[/i] ||[/color][/h1] [hr] [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hy4UmJApp1U/Vb-DIyM5anI/AAAAAAAAC2U/CdUDLTmf8M4/s1600/01-%2Bmomonga.png]Based[/url] [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-orqjzS0ezhs/Vb9_jFlsAUI/AAAAAAAAC1c/9dJH4Q7bHTo/s1600/02-%2BAlbedo.png]off[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9E1wK15SurA/VelQ-phN2yI/AAAAAAAADfE/UmAoji1XHWQ/s1600/06-%2BDemiurge.png]the[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f4Q9_ET7Eto/VdxcdeLuCAI/AAAAAAAADNU/z3G3sxYyEDM/s1600/03-%2BAura.png]character[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/VjmO0u6.png]sheets[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/cVVlLxv.png]given[/url] [url=http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/018/122/d16.png]by[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7tKHtnwwZb8/VevAfH7JguI/AAAAAAAADik/fTnp3_SAhaY/s1600/17-%2BSebas.png]the[/url] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-U51-pzBjb4A/VevCDctPp1I/AAAAAAAADjg/zmdcpTIwwmQ/s1600/23-%2Bvictim.png]novels[/url], with a few expansions of course: [Character picture goes here!] [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Not your character’s real name please, their username. Try to be creative. This also includes nicknames and aliases which is why I’m giving it its own section.[/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]If applicable for your race.[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]Your character’s height, preferably expressed in centimeters or meters.[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]Optional. If you do choose to give a weight and your character wears armor or other heavy gear, please specify weight in and out of armor.[/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*]Name of your race and a brief summary of their characteristics if you’re not using [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Race]one of the races mentioned in canon[/url] (there are over 700 so that’s okay). [color=deepskyblue]Blue text[/color] if human, [color=yellow]yellow[/color] for demihuman, [color=red]red[/color] if heteromorphic. Keep in mind that heteromorphic races were heavily discriminated against in YGGDRASIL, and that the guild probably won’t have many.[/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]A moniker usually signifying your race, job class, and achievements i.e. “Bloody Valkyrie”, “Dissolving Cage”, “Ruler of Glaciers” etc.[/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*]Your class, basically. There’s [url=http://overlordmaruyama.wikia.com/wiki/Job_Classes]a list[/url] of known classes here but feel free to make up your own within reason. You may have more than one but less than five (four if you're demihuman or heteromorphic).[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]For all player characters this should be the guild base. For NPCs be specific about which area.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]D&D stuff. Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, etc.[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]On a scale of -500 to 500, how just are you? Loaded questions ahooooooy![/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]Applicable only to demihumans and heteromorphic races. Basically how much have you specialized and trained your race’s inherent abilities over learning a skill or a trade?[/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]Your class level, and the opposite of the above. Your racial level and job level together equal your total level, which in this guild should be at least 80-100 if not exclusively 90+ for player characters.[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP: [*]MP: [*]PHY. ATK: [*]PHY. DEF: [*]AGILITY: [*]MAG. ATK: [*]MAG. DEF: [*]RESIST: [*]SPECIAL: [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*]There are over 6000 spells in YGGDRASIL, and even pure warriors are expected to know some ([Message] and teleportation/gate spells for example). Which ones do you have? Level 100 magic casters can learn up to 300, double that with certain classes or skills. You don’t have to list them all, but I expect at least a dozen or a couple dozen. Stretch your creative muscles! (or borrow from the canon if you [i]have[/i] to :P)[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]The realm of warriors, and their magic equivalent. Similar to the Martial Arts of the New World but not quite, Skills are basically spells or techniques that warriors can use a limited number of times per day. Again, not many of these have been mentioned in canon, so you're free to use your imaginations.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]List all your worn and equipped items along with their class (Divine, World etc.). For simplicity's sake, this includes weapons. Feel free to be creative! Remember, not much has been established in canon.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]What was your character’s story before coming to the New World? What are they like as a person?[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Other miscellaneous stuff and/or gags.[/list] Raw version included below. Feel free to omit the [noparse][list][/noparse] tag according to your preference (I'm honestly debating whether it looks better with or without it). [pre][hider=Your character] [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Not your character’s real name please, their username. Try to be creative. This also includes nicknames and aliases which is why I’m giving it its own section.[/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]If applicable for your race.[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]Your character’s height, preferably expressed in centimeters or meters.[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]Optional. If you do choose to give a weight and your character wears armor or other heavy gear, please specify weight in and out of armor.[/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*]Name of your race and a brief summary of their characteristics if you’re not using one of the races mentioned in canon (there are over 700 so that’s okay). [color=deepskyblue]Blue text[/color] if human, [color=yellow]yellow[/color] for demihuman, [color=red]red[/color] if heteromorphic. Keep in mind that heteromorphic races were heavily discriminated against in YGGDRASIL, and that the guild probably won’t have many.[/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]A moniker usually signifying your race, job class, and achievements i.e. “Bloody Valkyrie”, “Dissolving Cage”, “Ruler of Glaciers” etc.[/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*]Your class, basically. There’s a list of known classes here but feel free to make up your own within reason. You may have more than one but less than five (four if you're demihuman or heteromorphic).[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]For all player characters this should be the guild base. For NPCs be specific about which area.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]D&D stuff. Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, etc.[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]On a scale of -500 to 500, how just are you? Loaded questions ahooooooy![/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]Applicable only to demihumans and heteromorphic races. Basically how much have you specialized and trained your race’s inherent abilities over learning a skill or a trade?[/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]Your class level, and the opposite of the above. Your racial level and job level together equal your total level, which in this guild should be at least 80-100 if not exclusively 90+ for player characters.[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP: [*]MP: [*]PHY. ATK: [*]PHY. DEF: [*]AGILITY: [*]MAG. ATK: [*]MAG. DEF: [*]RESIST: [*]SPECIAL: [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*]There are over 6000 spells in YGGDRASIL, and even pure warriors are expected to know some ([Message] and teleportation/gate spells for example). Which ones do you have? Level 100 magic casters can learn up to 300, double that with certain classes or skills. You don’t have to list them all, but I expect at least a dozen or a couple dozen. Stretch your creative muscles! (or borrow from the canon if you [i]have[/i] to :P)[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]The realm of warriors, and their magic equivalent. Similar to the Martial Arts of the New World but not quite, Skills are basically spells or techniques that warriors can use a limited number of times per day. Again, not many of these have been mentioned in canon, so you're free to use your imaginations.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]List all your worn and equipped items along with their class (Divine, World etc.). For simplicity's sake, this includes weapons. Feel free to be creative! Remember, not much has been established in canon.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]What was your character’s story before coming to the New World? What are they like as a person?[/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Other miscellaneous stuff and/or gags.[/list] [/hider][/pre] Lastly, [b][i]please only post sheets in the character tab once they've been accepted.[/i][/b] Thanks!