[hr] [h1][color=lemonchiffon]|| [i]GMPCs[/i] ||[/color][/h1] [hr] [hider=The Guildmaster][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jnoPENC.jpg?1[/img] [i]The Dwarven King (he's actually much less intimidating under the armor)[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] ToastyEnji~nia [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 140cm [list] [*][b]Weight:[/b] 41kg out of armor, up to 141kg inside it (excluding specialized armors). [/list] [b]Race:[/b] [color=yellow]Dwarf[/color] [b]Race Traits:[/b] None [b]Title:[/b] The Great Dwarven King of Arms [b]Residence:[/b] The Ragnavault [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] 200 [b]Racial level:[/b] 0 [b]Job level:[/b] 100 [list] [*][b]Academic Wizard[/b] (15) [*][b]Armored Mage[/b] (10) [*][b]Blacksmith[/b] (15) [*][b]Craftsman[/b] (15) [*][b]Elementalist (ground)[/b] (10) [*][b]War Wizard[/b] (10) [*][b]Other[/b] (25)[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*][b]HP:[/b] 55 [*][b]MP:[/b] 90 [*][b]PHY. ATK:[/b] 54 [*][b]PHY. DEF:[/b] 66 [*][b]AGILITY:[/b] 49 [*][b]MAG. ATK:[/b] 90 [*][b]MAG. DEF:[/b] 90 [*][b]RESIST:[/b] 80 [*][b]SPECIAL:[/b] 50 [*][b]Total:[/b] 625[/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*][b]All Appraisal Magic Item[/b] [*][b]Animate Armor:[/b] Enchants armor to either move on its own or with feedback from the player. Before this task was delegated to basic AI, but nobody knows what controls it now, so manual transmission is always used. [*][b]Animate Lesser Golem:[/b] Create one weak Golem [*][b]Animate Greater Golem:[/b] Create one Golem Sentinel or Guardian [*][b]Armor Up:[/b] Increases armor rating. [*][b]Astral Smite:[/b] Attack that is effective against Ethereal beings. This also counts against beings, who are temporarily Ethereal. [*][b]Black Hole:[/b] Magic that cast a void would absorb the enemy inside. Escape is possible for those of a high enough level. [*][b]Blunt Force Up:[/b] Increases the effectiveness of bludgeoning attacks. [*][b]Body of Effulgent Beryl:[/b] 10th-Tier spell. Reduces strike-type damage. If the user reactivate this spell during duration, it negates single strike-type attack. [*][b]Call Greater Thunder:[/b] Summons large thunder bolts that are fused by multiple strands of lightning. [*][b]Chain Lightning[/b] [*][b]Create Greater Item[/b] [*][b]Cutting Up:[/b] Increases the effectiveness of cutting attacks. [*][b]Disguise Armor[/b] [*][b]Disguise Weapon[/b] [*][b]Drifting Master Mine:[/b] A mine that, as the name implies, "drifts" and locks on to targets that enter its range. [*][b]Earth Surge:[/b] An 8th tier spell that allows massive quantities of earth to be moved like waves, changing the landscape. [*][b]Electrosphere[/b] [*][b]Explode Mine:[/b] A trap magic that explodes when it is near the enemy. [*][b]Explosion[/b] [*][b]False Data: Life:[/b] Gives the user the ability to fake his/her HP. [*][b]Fireball[/b] [*][b]Firestorm:[/b] Creates a 50m by 100m fire tornado that spins around the field damaging individual enemies before exploding, creating large gusts of high-temperature wind which inflict burn status effect damage over time. [*][b]Fly[/b] [*][b]Gate:[/b] Summons a portal, allowing travel of a large number of people over great distances. [*][b]Gravity Maelstrom:[/b] A spiraling black ball of gravity that pulls things in as it goes. [*][b]Greater Break Item[/b] [*][b]Greater Full Potential[/b] [*][b]Greater Hardening[/b] [*][b]Greater Luck[/b] [*][b]Greater Magic Shield[/b] [*][b]Greater Rejection:[/b] Cancels Greater Summon. [*][b]Greater Resistance[/b] [*][b]Greater Teleportation[/b] [*][b]Implosion:[/b] 10th tier magic. Causes the target to collapse or burst inward. [*][b]Infinity Wall:[/b] Creates a regenerating shield that will last for sixty seconds. Shield size and height is relative to the caster. [*][b]Invisibility[/b] [*][b]Lightning[/b] [*][b]Magic Destruction:[/b] Destroys an object made by magic. [*][b]Magnetosphere:[/b] Magnetically charges the target, inflicting minor shock damage with a 5% chance of temporary paralysis. All metal items and items containing metal will be drawn towards the target at high speeds for the duration of the spell. [*][b]Mana Essence:[/b] Identifies MP of the target. [*][b]Mass Fly:[/b] Gives a group of people the ability to fly. [*][b]Maximize Magic[/b] [*][b]Message:[/b] Able to talk to a targeted person through telepathy. [*][b]Meteor Fall:[/b] Summons many small to middling sized iron meteors to fall on the battlefield. Inflicts AoE damage w/ friendly fire (use cautiously). [*][b]Obfuscation[/b] [*][b]Obsidian Sword:[/b] Creates a large obsidian sword that will lock onto a target and hone in like a missile. [*][b]Penetrate Up:[/b] Increases the effectiveness of penetrating attacks. [*][b]Perfect Warrior:[/b] A transformation type of spell that allows a player to become a level 100 warrior imperfectly in comparison to the original, converting from his magic caster stats to warrior stats. As a result of the transformation, this spell does come with another cost, where the player is unable to use neither his magic or spells during the duration of that transformation time period. While in this form, he has now bypassed class restrictions and can wield different weapons and equipment without penalty. [*][b]Reality Slash:[/b] 10th-Tier spell that creates a cut in space itself that cannot be resisted. Top class in damage dealing, but consumes a lot of mana. The spell is considered to be a lesser version of 'World Break'. [*][b]Sea of Blades:[/b] A large number of swords fall from the sky within an area of 100m. [*][b]Sense Enemy[/b] [*][b]Shield Wall[/b] [*][b]Stone Ocean:[/b] Turns the ground within a 50m radius into quicksand. [*][b]Storm of Darts:[/b] Creates a large shotgun-like blast of needles that spread out in a cone. [*][b]Strengthen Item[/b] [*][b]Teleportation[/b] [*][b]Wall of Protection from Arrows[/b] [*][b]Wall of Stone:[/b] Surrounds the user with stone walls, protecting them from damage. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]Create New Magic Item:[/b] Create one new permanent Magic Item. Class and level is dependent on the materials used and the ability of the player. Can only be done in an area classified as “friendly” or a “home base”. [*][b]Create New Armor:[/b] Create one new permanent armor piece or set. Class and level is dependent on the materials used and the ability of the player. Can only be done in an area classified as “friendly” or “home base” that has a forge. [*][b]Create New Weapon:[/b] Create one new permanent weapon. Class and level is dependent on the materials used and the ability of the player. Can only be done in an area classified as “friendly” or “home base” that has a forge. [*][b]Enchant:[/b] Apply one permanent enchantment to an armor piece, weapon, or magic item. [*][b]Equip Ally:[/b] Can hand off gear to an ally in battle. [*][b]Greater Enchantment:[/b] Apply one greater enchantment or two normal enchantments to an armor piece, weapon or magic item. [*][b]Reinforce Item:[/b] Increases the base stats of an armor piece, weapon or magic item by sacrificing a given amount of component items. Can only be done in an area classified as “friendly” or “home base”. [*][b]Reforging:[/b] Recycle one weapon, armor piece or magic item to regain the components used to make it. [*][b]Over-Rank Magics:[/b] [list] [*][b]Over-Rank Magic: Mountain Crusher:[/b] A frightfully well-named spell that does exactly what it says on the tin. Gathering millions of tons of stone using telekinesis, a miniature mountain is formed above the battlefield in orbit, then dropped directly on top of the opponent. [*][b]Over-Rank Magic: Creation:[/b] Changes field effect. Toasty's favorite configurations are desert, mountain and volcano. [*][b]Over-Rank Magic: Wish upon a star:[/b] Consumes caster's experience points to grant a wish (within reason). [*][b]Over-Rank Magic: Army of Clay:[/b] Creates a regiment of clay golems to fight for the caster. Each of these golems is ranked at level 50 and can be equipped with items.[/list] [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/rDlPVVO.jpg][b]Anubis armor:[/b][/url] His highest level armor. Made exclusively out of the rarest items and ingredients gathered after years of farming, trading, and PvE quests, the armor boasts an average rating of Divine-class for each armor piece, and the armor’s two equipments, the mace [i]Set[/i] and the shield [i]Osiris[/i]. The shield is a Divine-class shield which aside from its excellent stats boasts one completely free revival with no loss of items or exp at the cost of the shield itself. The mace is a sort of dark magic furnace made with numerous Divine stones at its heart. Essentially it is cage for souls that absorbs life and exp from players and monsters, with a 1% chance of causing instant death with each hit regardless of resistances. The armor itself is enchanted with the maximum “resist instant death spells” wards, and has high stats as a Divine-class item despite the meager appearance of its sparse wrappings. Wearing the shield, mace, and all the pieces of the armor combined, one can adequately be described as having conquered death. However, while the armor’s effectiveness cannot be disputed, Toasty actually holds a certain disdain for it once the thrill of the new armor wore off and he realized how upsetting being instantly killed and robbed of your exp could be. Henceforth, he mostly stopped using it except during emergencies and special occasions. [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/zfMqETg.jpg][b]Inquisitor armor:[/b][/url] The holy knight armor. Enchanted with holy wards and blessings, the armor boasts high resistances against demonic beings and undead. Oddly enough it does share one strong similarity with demon players in that it makes full use of fire enchantments, perhaps even going so far as to abuse them. The staff and psuedo-morning star made from dragon bone is capable of inflicting burn damage on hit, and can even cast a limited number of free fireballs once per day. [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/1bC7xuu.jpg][b]Colony armor[/b][/url]: An armor Toasty made after losing a particularly bad bet once. It boasts enchantments that give the wearer skills and abilities from the Insect Master class and is optimized for life-steal and long-range zerg-rushing using hundreds of disposable insect minions. Unfortunately it looks ridiculous and has abysmal physical attack and defense power. Also, BEEEEEEEEEEES! [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/GUIGexD.jpg][b]Juggernaut armor[/b][/url]: While most of Toasty's armors boast wards and resistances of some kind in addition to utility or offensive enchantments, the Juggernaut armor was made to tank, [i]and nothing else.[/i] Possessing numerous physical and anti-magic enchantments, it boasts the highest defense out of a set of already resilient armor suits. [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/IMNhTlC.jpg][b]Modular Giant armor[/b][/url]: The largest and second most expensive armor Toasty has ever created, the Modular Giant armor is a product of the same Norse mythology that inspired YGGDRASIL itself. Composed almost entire of Legendary and Divine-class items and capable of quickly modifying itself by swapping out different elementally aligned armor pieces, it boasts one basic form and three advanced forms, each with its own elemental affinity and enchantments. [i]Hrímþursar[/i] (frost giant), [i]eldjötnar[/i] (fire giant), and [i]bergrisar[/i] (mountain giant). While its level is lower than the Anubis armor, it outranks it in sheer destructive capacity, sacrificing versatility and mobility for an unmistakable presence on the battlefield as it inflicts massive physical and magic damage. Due to its impracticality and the vulnerability that comes with a large surface area, it rarely sees use in PvP. [*][url=http://meta.filesmelt.com/downloader.php?file=awesomedwemerconcept.jpg][b]Armor of the Dwarf King[/b][/url]: His standard armor that he wears while lounging around the guild and performing mundane tasks and errands. While well-balanced on all fronts, containing multiple strength-boosting and lesser elemental enchantments, its real purpose is simply to hide how diminutive he is and make him look more intimidating to his enemies and his imaginary subjects, who fear and respect a much taller figure. Not only is he not tall, but he’s not even well built for a dwarf, being both scrawny and short. Of course while this was all an intentional design choice, he quickly realized having the armor was useful for other things besides roleplaying, like getting inside his opponent’s head, and thus the look stuck. [*][b]Ring of Wish upon a star:[/b] A rare item that allows the user to cast the Over-Rank Magic “Wish upon a star” without losing exp. toasty was apparently one of many who wasted a lot of real world money trying to obtain this item. [*][b]9 rings, 7 necklaces:[/b] Taking advantage of his skill with enchanting to deck out pretty much everything he wore with some kind of magic, Toasty bought nine rings and seven necklaces just to enchant them with various buffs and have a completely, 100% enchanted wardrobe. [*][b]Cash shop sticks:[/b] Toasty always keeps a few of these on hand to quickly summon his various armors from storage. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] In life, ToastyEnji~nia was a lowly, possibly depressed and neurotic engineering student. In YGGDRASIL, he was a king. Of the dwarves, specifically. Or so read his made-up biography. More than a little bit of a roleplayer, ToastyEnji has created many accounts on YGGDRASIL to play as different characters, moving on whenever he either made it to level 100 and his character’s story is complete, or when he felt there was no more challenge and got bored. Not a fan of PvP due to the types of personalities that tended to congregate there, Toasty focused most of his time in YGGDRASIL on roleplaying and PvE to grind for items and gold. To what end he wasn’t sure, but it was certainly more fulfilling than the high pressure environment of engineering school. But then he grew bored of even that and decided to set a personal challenge for himself. The next character he created would be an extension of him, and he’d see how far he could take it in YGGDRASIL as an experiment. And so he created his character, a dwarf, in his own image. Black hair, bangs covering his eyes. No beard though, and skinny, both unusual for a dwarf. Essentially, he looked like a diminutive Japanese man. In other words, perfect. Starting out not as an adventurer but as a lowly dwarven student (of magic), Toasty built his way back up to the top using the closest analogues he had to his knowledge of engineering, that being smithing and carpentry. Taking the classes of Blacksmith and Craftsman in addition to his student class, Toasty did not adventure or quest and instead set up shop in the city the same way you’d see an NPC do, selling the items he created. Armor, weapons, all sorts of items both enchanted and non-enchanted. They sold slowly at first, but as his skill improved, more and more players began to buy equipment on the cheap (cheaper than the in-game shops anyway). It was then he realized his character had a passion for smithing, and he used his growing in-game wealth to abandon the pseudo-NPC lifestyle he’d created and start a project he simply called “The Tony Stark Initiative”. Classing himself as an Armored Mage, Toasty started creating enchanted suits of armor too large for himself that he manipulated from the inside using the spell “Animate Armor” and various equipment buffs. In this fashion he found he could be both a warrior and a magic caster while sacrificing virtually nothing from either playstyle, casting a full range of spells from within the enchanted armor while it fought for him in melee combat. What he’d effectively done was pioneered an insanely expensive and time-consuming but equally more effective version of the spell “Perfect Warrior”. This utterly broke the game in PvE, allowing him to amass vast amounts of wealth, items and resources. Eventually he and a few of his most loyal customers founded a guild dedicated to trading items earned in PvE for gold and other items, and it expanded into a full-blown information guild, gathering and selling information for PvP and PvE and writing guides for newbie players (some of whom later joined the guild), establishing the group as a semi-legitimate virtual business which proved to be a far more enriching job experience than engineering (flexible hours, work from home and with friends etc.). So he quit it, dropping out of engineering school and living meagerly but happily off the influx of real world money his online business made him. This of course made most of his family disappointed enough to disown him, but at that point he was beyond caring. Conquering a dwarven dungeon carved into the side of an oceanic volcano, Toasty claimed it as their new base of operations, and fashioned himself as the self-titled “King of the Dwarves”. He even went so far as to remodel the entire place and establish a simplistic backstory or “mythology” for his character the Dwarven King, creating the NPC Shammura to be his court wizard. At first the enormous success he enjoyed from what was originally just a joke and a personal dare to himself proved to be enjoyable enough to extend the life of this playthrough far beyond any other character he’d ever made in YGGDRASIL. But eventually, he grew bored once again. Just as he was considering changing it up again, the news that YGGDRASIL was being cancelled became public, and Toasty decided to stick with the Dwarven King until the very end for the solidarity of the guild and the sake of his legacy (ToastyEnji is secretly a very dramatic person). But on the night of the server shutdown, nothing happened, and he and his guildmates were faced with a shocking revelation. Now stranded in the New World, he faces pressure on all sides to maintain the safety and stability of the guild as well as their continued survival in this world. However, he feels oddly happy about it. Frustrated and struggling, scared out of his wits, but also invigorated. Here’s there’s a sense of purpose, even if it’s a desperate and frightening one. Provided life here proves to be sustainable, he has no intentions of ever going back once things settle down. But the question that he still asks himself at night remains. Am I actually fit to be leader, let alone a guildmaster or a king? Between the New World, Shammura coming to life, and managing the guild, the future seems uncertain and dangerous, and the King of the Dwarves is uncertain whether he’ll make the grade or drop out like he did school. [b]Other:[/b] Never try to tell him he shouldn’t have made Shammura (even when she’s in the process of attempting to kill him).[/hider] [hider=Shammura Judecaa][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MG6RkSN.jpg?1[/img] [i]The Grand Vizier of the Brass Throne[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Shammura Judecca [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 173cm [b]Race:[/b] [color=red]Demon[/color] (neither she nor her creator have ever deigned to explain what kind) [b]Race Traits:[/b] [list] [*][b]Comprehension of Evil Languages[/b] [*][b]Dark Soul[/b] [*][b]Flight[/b] [*][b]Immunity to Fire[/b] [*][b]Night Vision[/b] [/list] [b]Title:[/b] The Traitorous Sorceress Who Hides Behind Every Corner [b]Residence:[/b] The Copper Hall/Right Seat of the Brass Thone [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Evil [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] -450 [b]Level:[/b] 100 [b]Racial level:[/b] 30 [list] [*][b]Imp[/b] (10) [*][b]???[/b] (5) [*][b]Other[/b] (15) [/list] [b]Job level:[/b] 70 [list] [*][b]Alchemist[/b] (15) [*][b]Pharmacist[/b] (6) [*][b]Poison Maker[/b] (10) [*][b]Sorceress[/b] (15) [*][b]Other[/b] (24) [/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*][b]HP:[/b] 77 [*][b]MP:[/b] 100+ (Exceeds limit) [*][b]PHY. ATK:[/b] 31 [*][b]PHY. DEF:[/b] 70 [*][b]AGILITY:[/b] 65 [*][b]MAG. ATK:[/b] 62 [*][b]MAG. DEF:[/b] 94 [*][b]RESIST:[/b] 100 [*][b]SPECIAL:[/b] 100 [*][b]Total:[/b] 700+[/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*][b]Acid Javelin[/b] [*][b]Acid Mist[/b] [*][b]All Appraisal Magic Item[/b] [*][b]Astral Smite:[/b] Attack that is effective against Ethereal beings. This also counts against beings, who are temporarily Ethereal. [*][b]Black Hole:[/b] Magic that cast a void would absorb the enemy inside. Escape is possible for those of a high enough level. [*][b]Body of Effulgent Beryl:[/b] 10th-Tier spell. Reduces strike-type damage. If the user reactivate this spell during duration, it negates single strike-type attack. [*][b]Boiling Cauldron[/b] [*][b]Bottomless Swamp[/b] [*][b]Brainwash[/b] [*][b]Call Greater Storm[/b] [*][b]Call Greater Tornado[/b] [*][b]Charm Person[/b] [*][b]Control Amnesia:[/b] 10th-tier spell. Controls memory of target. [*][b]Create Greater Item[/b] [*][b]Create Greater Poison[/b] [*][b]Distant Vision:[/b] A spell that displays what it sees on a flat, magical screen. The screen can also be expanded or shrunken at will. [*][b]Flames of Gehenna:[/b] A spell which spits tongues of crimson flame toward the sky, encircling a large area. [*][b]Fireball[/b] [*][b]Gate:[/b] Summons a portal, allowing travel of a large number of people over great distances. [*][b]Gravity Maelstrom:[/b] A spiraling black ball of gravity that pulls things in as it goes. [*][b]Greater Break Item[/b] [*][b]Greater Full Potential[/b] [*][b]Greater Healing[/b] [*][b]Greater Luck[/b] [*][b]Greater Magic Seal[/b] [*][b]Greater Magic Shield[/b] [*][b]Greater Rejection[/b] [*][b]Greater Resistance[/b] [*][b]Greater Summon: Primal Fire Elemental[/b] [*][b]Greater Teleportation[/b] [*][b]Healing[/b] [*][b]Hell Flame:[/b] This spell shoots out a very small flame that will then latch onto a target and become a raging inferno that burns anything to ashes with black flames. [*][b]Hellfire Wall:[/b] A spell that creates a wall of black flames surrounding everything within the victim's range of view, leaving them trapped. It causes no physical damage, but seems to incinerate the soul instead. [*][b]Invisibility[/b] [*][b]Iron Maiden[/b] [*][b]Lightning[/b] [*][b]Lethal Injection[/b] [*][b]Magic Arrow:[/b] Shoots out an arrow made of mana that will pierce a target. [*][b]Magic Destruction:[/b] Destroys an object made by magic. [*][b]Maximize Magic[/b] [*][b]Message:[/b] Able to talk to a targeted person through telepathy. [*][b]Meteor Fall:[/b] Summons many small to middling sized iron meteors to fall on the battlefield. Inflicts AoE damage w/ friendly fire (use cautiously). [*][b]Mind-flay:[/b] A psychic attack that disorients the enemy by attacking their mind, causing minor physical damage like blood from the nose and ears as well as the accompanying status debuffs. [*][b]Mind Slave:[/b] Bend one lower level enemy or monster to your will. [*][b]Poison Dart[/b] [*][b]Poison Cloud[/b] [*][b]Poison Coat[/b] [*][b]Rabbit Ears:[/b] Increases hearing. [*][b]Rabbit Foot:[/b] Increases luck. [*][b]Rabbit Tail:[/b] Decreases aggression towards the caster. If a female character activates these three spells at the same time, it changes her clothes into a bunny girl outfit. [*][b]Reality Slash:[/b] 10th-Tier spell that creates a cut in space itself that cannot be resisted. Top class in damage dealing, but consumes a lot of mana. The spell is considered to be a lesser version of 'World Break'. [*][b]Sharks Cyclone:[/b] A spell that invokes a tornado (100 meters high and with a 50 meter diameter). Within the tornado lie 6 meter long sharks waiting to devour anyone unlucky enough to be sucked inside. [*][b]Shield Wall[/b] [*][b]Solvent Bath[/b] [*][b]Summon: Bats Out of Hell[/b] [*][b]Summon: Swamp Creature[/b] [*][b]Summon: Vengeful Mummy[/b] [*][b]Summon: Lycanthrope[/b] [*][b]Summon: Lesser Vampire[/b] [*][b]Summon: Zombie[/b] [*][b]Teleportation[/b] [*][b]Vermillion Nova:[/b] Attack the target with a pillar of flame. Deals Fire-based type of damage. [*][b]Wall of Protection from Arrows[/b] [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]Analyze Poison[/b] [*][b]Create Antidote[/b] [*][b]Create Elixir of Life[/b] [*][b]Create Medicine[/b] [*][b]Create Poison[/b] [*][b]Create Potion[/b] [*][b]Dimension Lock:[/b] Renders teleportation and transfer magic unusable. [*][b]Domination Mantra:[/b] A voice that turns anyone under level 40 into her puppet. [*][b]Encyclopedia of the Mind:[/b] The target gains a vast knowledge of various subjects, and can remember any information heard or read perfectly. [*][b]Replicate Poison[/b] [*][b]Transmutation:[/b] Turn one metal or mineral component into another. Can be used five times a day. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][b]Skull jewels:[/b] A set of earrings with a matching brooch and other items of jewelry that can turn into flying, flaming skulls. [*][b]Chalice of Lies:[/b] A cup capable of creating any poison known to man, one sip from the brim can kill a hundred fully grown elephants. [*][b]Gyges Ring:[/b] Allows the user to become invisible at will without the use of spells. [*][b]Legion of Crows:[/b] The name of Shammura’s pitch-black robes, which are actually a magically transfigured flock of crow familiars. Once released, the robes dissolve and the crows fly away to gather information and spy on the enemy. [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] The personal creation of ToastyEnji~nia. Originally designed to fit into the mythology of the Dwarven King character, he created her to be his court wizard (even though he himself was already a wizard) and serve by his side as his vizier. As a joke, he created her with the dual attributes of “will always love Toasty” and “will always want to kill Toasty”, creating the perfect traitorous femme fatale to serve as the trusted advisor and court wizard to the great but doomed dwarven king, a conflicted conspirator tormented by her contrary emotions of love and hate who could never make up her mind whether she truly wanted to kill him or not. Until she became sentient, this was just his way of expressing his rather warped sense of humor. He knew no one else would ever think the little contradiction was funny like he did or approve of such a blatantly out of place figure in their peaceful court, but he didn’t care. Even though she would be hated by everyone else, he would always love her, his little pet project, to death. Before that was a joke. Now it has become frighteningly real. Shammura is quite possibly the guild’s greatest ally and threat, a valuable trump card with many hidden abilities known only to the guildmaster who just so happens to want that same guildmaster very, [i]very[/i] dead. Or very, very in her bed. Possibly both. Having been caught trying to kill or seduce Toasty multiple times within the first few days, she has always been stopped before she could do it or reneged of her own accord. Despite this, Toasty refuses to let anyone from the guild kill her, forbidding anyone from doing her harm even in the event of his death. No one knows which side of her is real, the side that loves Toasty or the side that wants to kill him. Maybe both are. Either way, what was once a funny little guild joke has become a ticking time bomb, and a threat to the very existence of the guild. As her settings work to tear her apart from the inside, how long will it be before she truly does do away with the guildmaster? [b]Other:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/ERd9Ya5.jpg]Shammura trying out a new paralysis potion on her king.[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/CsWZfBI.jpg]Shammura casual wear.[/url][/hider]