This time it was Farqual - one of the mightiest mages of the vampire kin - who dared challenge the dreaded Godmodder. Those, who would notice the ominous, dark clouds gathering above the vampire's titanic opponent may misinterpret it as a natural occurence - yet this was no ordinary bad weather. Boiling out all of the water in a nearby lake, he summoned both cold and hot winds to create a small, discreet rainstorm - though, at the same time, quite an intense one. It broke out, and Farqual left his vantage point, ready to carry on his mischievous ploy. With an intent to use the Godmodders' weight to his advantage, the mage used his powers to get a grip on all the clay buried in the soil beneath his enemy and heave it upwards - as if thirsty, it absorbed all the rainwater in mere seconds, turning into a sticky clay syrup eager to swallow up the behemoth trampling on it.