[quote=@Lord Santa] [@The One] Alright, so, how much of the story direction can you spoil? I sorta need to come up with a motivation for my character that's at least tangentially relevant to the main plot. Also, the sentimental attachment stuff could use a little explaining. [/quote] Sentimental attachment is optional. It's basically asking you does your character have a special item that he loves. So, as you know everyone is Immortal but you can still be killed. Upon our world is an alternate dimension. This is where Pea comes from. Now, everyone has a soul mate. A soul mate is two people who are exactly the same but are from two different universes. For example, let's take President Obama. In the Pea's world, he might be a Town Mayor. Soul mates are connected in some way or another. If you played Ni No Kuni, then it's basically that. Now, of course I am not going full on Ni No Kuni here. So, Pea comes to our world, seeking out those who can stop the evil villain in her world. Your motivation could simply be that your Soul Mate is in danger. As if one Soul Mate dies, they both die unless you cut the link. So, your character could learn that his soul mate is in danger of dying, which would mean he is in danger of dying.