It was just another day as usual on the force for Eddie Ben. Early today, as per usual Eddie attempted to request additional broom-closet space. It was cramped in the Peninsula with Sleepy, he had hardly any personal space in there. Of course, it was always denied, but Eddie hoped that one day, the Precinct would acquiesce his petition. Ah well, at least he already finished up his report regarding that incident in the Queens. At least they didn't have to run him down and fuck up the fenders this time. And so was the situation they had now. Eddie paced about in the interrogation room as he eyed a somewhat twitchy man who had cuffs locked on over his Chinese-knock off Donald Duck costume. The damn suit was glued on, and the fact he kept flailing around before getting put into the interrogation room didn't help any. Course, this bastard was going back to the Drunk Tank soon. But not just yet, as Eddie needed to get some information out of him while he was still fresh. This town was a dying whore, and she was infested with crime. If this son of a bitch had even the slightest bit of information about higher crime lords, Eddie would get it. Eddie paced back towards the desk and sat on a backwards facing chair. He gazed into the soul-less eyes of that duck costume wearing man. "Why were you in Chinatown?" Nothing. The perp said nothing. Eddie stared unamused before asking again, "Why were you in Chinatown?" The suspect tapped his foot on the floor, as he glanced towards Eddie. Shaking his head the officer tapped on a manilla envelope. He was thinking of a different method to go about the interrogation. Perhaps it was the time to establish some common ground. He needed to get this bastard to think he wasn't his enemy. Then he could take that bastard down. "So you like Donald Duck?" The suspect, didn't do anything for a moment. He then shook his head from side to side before muttering out a slurred out "No." There was a bit of silence as Eddie observed the suspect. "Shays gud bucks fer -" The suspect grumbled out before hiccuping. He had something to go off of. "For what?" Eddie inquired. Rolling his head back, the costumed suspect hiccuped again before his head slammed against the desk. Eddie stared at him for a moment. Well shit. The officer had no choice but to get him back to the drunk tank. He would need to wait for the bastard to sober up, before he could interview him some more. Eddie walked out of the interrogation room as he waved over a fellow cop. "Hey, the perp needs to get back to the tank. Mind getting him back, I'm gonna take a smoke-break." Eddie reached into his jacket and pulled out a cigarette and started strolling towards the exit. That's when he saw Sleepy charging out of the Chief's office, carrying the keys. Right, well Eddie guessed it was time for business. He walked towards his partner and spoke, "So what was the Chief on about? Think he'll call me in regarding the new report about that dwarf who eating those missing cats completely whole?"