Tzirret was about as much in his element in Senchal as he was in the Imperial City, if even less so due to the weather. When Peiter tapped him on the shoulder, he snapped his head to look with some fear, expecting a pickpocket. He relaxed a little when he realised that it was just Peiter, but the question didn't give him much comfort. He didn't normally talk about his old family often, if at all. The volume of his voice increased to be heard over the babble of the crowds around them, "Well, we were a caravan, so...most were Suthay-Raht, like me. Not many non-Suthay, Suthay-raht, or Ohmes-raht leave Elsweyr. There was one Ohmes-raht and one..." Tzirret craned his neck to point one of the largest bipedal Khajiit out in the crowd, "...Cathay-raht...all else were Suthay or Suthay-raht in the caravan." Looking about himself, Tzirret tried to keep up with the others rather than get too distracted. He had one more thing to say, though. "This one has never laid eyes on this many Khajiit at once. The most ever seen by my eyes was at Riverhold, and that was when I was only nine years old." Tzirret spared a glance to Sabine and Peiter both, "Have either of yourselves not seen the other Khajiit forms before?" Sabine shook her head, "Only Ahnasha and Rhazii, and others like them." Elsewhere in the group wading through the crowds, Rhazii's hand was being securely held on to by Ahnasha, but if not for her grasp, he might have wandered off at least five times already. He had been told about all the different kinds of Khajiit before by his mother, but actually seeing them was another experience entirely. He tried pointing them out as he passed them, asking about what variety they were. Whenever he spotted another Cathay, his eyes would linger on them. He had never met any others of his form before.