[hr][center][h1][b]Henry Olin[/b], Trevor and Scarlet Obott & Maximilian Cornell[/h1][/center] [hr] "... Okay, you're telling me that he's not here, either?" Maximilian said, barely containing his growing rage. He was shaking, his fists were clenched. "Yeah, I told you, he ran off to go grab some shit with Cindy. He'll be right back." Meifeng said, leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed. She told the twins to stay inside because she got this. She speaks NEST! "What the hell did he do to get the "Acting Director" and Godzilla on his case?" Meifeng shrugged. Henry beat his chest and gave the peace sign to that statement. "We just need to have a word with him." Maximilian nodded his head. Meifeng shrugged. "Yeah, "a word"." The teen fingerquoted. "If he's back at the house, he might already be on his way back." Scarlet said. "I don't think we should chase after him." "Yeah, just hold your horses." Maximilian turned away and put his fingers on his earpiece. "Grue, can you track Cindy Keagan's phone number?" "Easy. I'll-" Dana was cut off by the alarms going off in the background. "Oh no." "Grue, what's wrong?" "[i]He[/i] got out." Dana said, before she pressed a few buttons. "Agents!" Dana shouted - through the building's speakers, opposed to the comms. "We have an emergency! A dangerous Metahuman has escaped from containment! All noncombatants evacuate the detention center immediately, and all other Agents, head to there to engage lockdown procedures! This is not a drill!" "Oh, oh no." Maximilian's eyes opened wide. Now they have to deal with [i]that[/i] thing again. His heart started racing - but he had to remain strong. They beat him once, they can do it again. "Henry, I have to get back to Headquarters!" He shouted, running down the street, before he started floating upwards. He looked behind him as he relayed the orders, "Find Trevor - but don't bring anywhere near Headquarters until the coast is clear!" Henry rubbed the bridge of his snout in frustration. Fucking- "HNNNNNNNNNNNNG~" His groan was loud. Of course this shit would happen at this point when his plan was going so well. One thing after another. Great. Just wonderful. "You called?" Eli said over his own speaker. Eli, being ever prepared, was in a different building than Dana, but had the same equipment that Dana had. Making him just as useful, but not as cool. "I owe you lunch. Can you track Cindy Keagan's phone?" There was the crackling of a bag of chips on the other side of the com unit, and Henry grinned. "Yeah, I'll get right on that." "... Haha! I did it!" Trevor shouted as he ran up, hoisting his gym bag over his shoulder as he ran up with a wry grin on his face. He couldn't believe those assholes just left him behind - especially Cindy! [i]She[/i] brought him here. That's just coldblooded to just bring him here, only to make him take the bus. Especially with all the people trying to steal his gym bag. Whatever, he's here... Wait, why is Henry here? Trevor came to a stop, and looked up at Henry. "'Eeeeeeeeey." Trevor said, putting his gym bag full of weapons behind him. "Haven't seen you 'round these parts lately, Henry. How ya been?" "Trevor, well..." Scarlet put her hand behind her head. "Think I'll let Henry explain." "Hey, what did I do?" "Uh, yeah, no." Henry said, being incredibly unused to things actually working out in his favor for once. "No, you're not in trouble, just... just follow me. We're gonna take a ride." And with that, Henry helped Scarlet and Trevor gather their items, ignoring the smell of gunpowder that was literally all over Trevor, and piled the two of them into his car. As he pulled out and got onto the road, Henry took a deep breath. "You two aren't gonna like this, but NEST Task Force RAVEN, I.E me and a bunch of other high ranking NEST memebers need your help on a big operation we're about to push for. I'll explain this to you, but I will warn you both that if anything escapes your lips about this, you will not only be criminals, but you will be targets that need to be... disposed of, by our target. Are we clear?" "Uh..." Trevor immediately raised an eyebrow. Okay, NEST business? He wasn't very sure of that. He was just a teenager with simple needs (The booty)! He was no hero! And this ain't no place for no hero. "I don't-" Trevor cut himself off when he realized all the things he could get out of this! NEST [i]is[/i] a very important organization, after all. He could definitely score some... favors (No, not [i]those[/i] kind of favor). "Well, what is it, Lizardman?" He said with an eager smile. "I'm only a Private...." Scarlet scratched her hairbun. She was afraid of this. If this is Task Force RAVEN, then it has to involve the Hands of Science. She looked over to Trevor, who seemed to be more interested, and let out a sigh. "Well... I'll hear you out." Henry's eyes trailed to a McDonald's on an exit not far from them and turned to get off on it's exit. But he still listened to his two guests. "So essentially we're storming the castle. 'Gonna sweep the leg right out from under REAPER." Henry said, punching the air with one hand while the other remained on the steering wheel. He took a breath. "The problem is, it's their home turf and their building. A lot of casualties could occur... but we have you two, and an AC unit that circulates air through the building... Get what I'm saying?" "You want me to drug an entire base?" Trevor immediately picked up on what Henry was saying. Raising an eyebrow, he wasn't very confident in his ability to drug an entire base. "I... Don't know... can I actually produce enough of this stuff?" Just to demonstrate, Trevor outstretched a finger, and a clear, thick, liquid appeared on his fingertip "And you want me to help because I have Trevor's power?" Scarlet asked. "Exactly." Henry said. "Over the next few days I want you to try and sythesize as much liquid tranquilizer as you can and store it. Absolutely do not push yourselves, but every little bit helps." Henry advised. "You'll be saving dozens of potential lives.. You'd be under surveillance and protection the entire time and in no way will you be put into the line of fire... Plus, you could end up working up close and personal with Adam Blackmore." "I have no idea who that is!" Is the first word that Trevor said. He thought about it for a bit, and another question popped up in his head, but Henry rolled down the windows to order some food. "I would be honored, sir." Scarlet said, nodding her head. Henry then proceeded to roll down the window as he approached the McDonalds drive through. "Yes, hello, I'd like... five orders of the number six please. Large drink. Dr. Pepper please... And could you make those fries without salt? Thanks." He turned his head around to face Scarlet and Trevor. "It makes sure you get the freshest fries. You two want anything?" "No, I don't eat fast food." Scarlet said, raising her hand. "Uh, yeah, I'd just like some french fries...." Trevor scratched the back of his head with every nervous word he spoke. "You [i]do[/i] know that my magical drug does other stuff than make people woozy? Like hallucinations, and heal 'em and shit?" "Trevor!" Scarlet said. "Watch your mouth." "What? You mom now?" "Just act proper for once in your life." "Oh yes, we're very well aware that does that. They're drugs, after all." Henry commented, driving forward to pay for his order. "But if they're out of it when we're on our A-game, those hallucinations might distract them, and any pain dulling or minor healing that occurs isn't going to stop a bullet to the skull." he said. The cashier opened the side window and passed Henry his order with wide eyes. Henry, being himself, winked at the woman and then passed Trevor his fries. "What we're asking is, are you in, or are you out? Because we need your help. A lot more people will be more likely to go home to their families safe and sound if you can. But if you're truly not comfortable or do not feel you are ready, we understand." "I well..." Trevor scratched his neck again. He would gladly help people, especially the hot ones. Only problem would be that, well, he's going to be in the line of fire (And probably literally set on fire). On the other hand, he'll have enough protection from all of RAVEN to protect him from those crazy REAPERs. However, he wanted to make sure that he comes out on top of this little mission. "... If I do this," Trevor said, giving Henry a confident smile. "I want some favors. The terms and conditions, shall we say." "Oh lord..." Scarlet facepalmed. "[i]First,[/i]" Trevor started smirking. "I wanna freepass whenever I get in trouble with NEST - yeah, my own Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card. Maybe... ten?" He waved his hand around. Because Trevor will do anything in the pursuit of booty, he tends to get in a lot of trouble. "I'd love unlimited cards, if you don't mind. I'm thinkin' of startin' my rampage soon." He started laughing. Making Scarlet shake her head. "[i]Second,[/i] this RAVEN sounds kinda cool. I'd love to meet them...." Trevor trailed off, letting his words hang in the air. "... In a all expense paid trip to Applebees. With every member." He wanted to go to Applebees, but that shit expensive. With NEST's unlimited budget, they should be able to do [i]anything[/i] (Even buy a small country!). "[i]Third,[/i]" Trevor raised a finger with a wide smile on his face. "I want one of those cool little lockpicking kits - no, not that I'm going to break into houses. Sometimes I sneak out at night, and Scarlet or Lucy locks all the god damn doors. Know how hard it is sleeping on the front porch?" "[i]Fourth,[/i]" Trevor was having too much damn fun with this. "I know we're supposed to keep this a secret and all - but I wanna tell girls that I'm a Secret Agent. Whenever I need it, I'll phone you up and you're going to tell them that I [i]am[/i], in fact, a Secret Agent." That could definitely come in handy. "[i]Fifth,[/i] Neon Indian's tour is going to come through Verthaven. Tickets please." "[i]Sixth,[/i]" Trevor made a finger gun, and looked down his 'sights'. "I wanna come in your fancy dancy NEST shooting range, and shoot your fancy guns." He was scratching his head as he was thinking of more terms. "And, actually, for that matter; [i]seventh[/i]; I want a tour around the NEST Headquarters, and take selfies all over it." "I can guarantee ten get out of jail free cards if I, myself am the one to arrest you." Henry stated. He would still totally take Trevor in, and have Scarlet pick him up. He just wouldnt go to [i]jail[/i]. "The second one's easy. I'm sure they'll be all for it." "Third... You can find that on Thisiswhyimbroke.com. Like honestly you dont need us for that. If you need thirty dollars for a kit then shit kid I have it in my wallet right now." "Fourth... I'll conceed to that." He would totally just have Eli code him a number that will play a recording of him saying Trevor was a secret agent. "Fifth, I'm going to that myself. So you'll be my plus one. None of the bouncers fuck with higher level security." "Sixth... I'll have to talk to someone about that just because our guns aren't super special. The ones that are... are really expensive." "Seventh... Yeah, I think we can do that. Just... nothing of significance can be taken onto the internet. You wont be taken to jail for that. You'll be forced to watch a recording on last year's NEST Christmas party." Henry put a whole burger in his mouth and chewed. "That about it?" "Uh...." Trevor thought about it for a second. "I also want twenty dollars. That's it! I'm on board, partner." Trevor laughed from underneath his scarf. This coming week was going to be [i]awesome[/i]. "If you're willing to go through all that just to get Trevor, then I guess I'm on board." Scarlet shrugged. Utterly dumbfounded that Henry agreed to this. Whatever NEST is planning, it must be [i]big[/i]. She'll be glad to play a part in all this. Just to bring down the Hands, and make sure that they don't hurt anyone else. "Alright. Sounds good. I'll alert you when the date comes. Dont worry about your contact information, I'll find you." Henry said, giving them the thumbs up, putting another burger in his jaws, and promptly turning up the radio.