Ahnasha's grip on Rhazii's hand was about as secure as it could be without hurting him. She could see that Kaleeth had decided to forego the risk altogether and just carry Newt in her arms. It was sensible for a hatchling of his age, but as much as Ahnasha would rather have carried Rhazii, he would likely grow restless trapped in her arms. Being bound by her hand was already bad enough. As they walked along, she nudged Fendros' elbow as she observed the docks around her. "So this is Elsweyr, my kind's homeland. Not sure what to think, really. The amount of trade and wealth passing through here is impressive and everything, but the fact that this place is a hub for some of Tamriel's worst pirates, thieves, and general scum...really doesn't help to dispel any stereotypes. Everything seems to vibrant and alive, but...decaying at the same time. I can smell the skooma from here, in the crates, and off the clothes of the addicts we're walking by. At least I won't have any problem finding moon sugar; it's in, well, pretty much every meal, really. From what I've heard, at least." She commented once there was a break in Rhazii's questions. Pieter shook his head. "No, only Suthay-raht. And Rhazii. It's what most people think of when you say Khajiit, at least outside Elsweyr. I saw one walk by that looked like a tiger, which is really just...surreal, almost. And all Khajiit are smart like you? It seems like they would be more accepting of...our kind with how many forms of Khajiit there are. I guess that is different, though; it's not like they can change it." As they walked, Pieter noticed a Suthay-raht woman they passed by sitting on the ground, leaned up against a barrel. From a small bottle, she drank what he smelled to be skooma out in the open, as if it were normal. He of course said nothing, but it did certainly give a clear reminder to him that he was far from home. "I've never felt more like an outsider than I do right now. This place is nothing like Bruma. I'm bound to make some kind of mistake, I just hope it isn't too...major."