Fendros was already ill-at-ease by the prevalent smell of skooma around them, but Ahnasha's mention of moon sugar being in everything made his stomach churn. "That's going to make things a bit difficult.-" "Mama." "-I think I'll try to stick to raw goods with the clan. You're right, though,-" "Mama." "-this place is bursting at the seams. Any kind of people this tightly packed with drugs everywhere would be the same." Rhazii finally got another scrap of time after Fendros was done. "Mama, is that an Alfiq over there on that building?" Rhazii asked, pointing up at what looked like a house cat laid down on a balcony in the sun, lazily looking over the group. Even though he wasn't sure whether it was a good distraction from his fears, Tzirret was confused by Peiter's words. "What you said, this is not understood. This one is not very smart, I thought. All Khajiit, in all forms, are as smart as any other person. Some cannot talk, that's all. This one does not know how accepting they are here, either." Peiter's reservations about cultural taboo were not lost on Tzirret, because he felt similarly to him. "You are scared of a mistake? This one is scared of being mugged! Look at some of these people!" "I don't think we will be stopped," Sabine added, not betraying her own levels of nervousness, whatever they were, "We just have to stay close to everyone else."