Ahnasha looked at the small feline on the balcony, but did not stare, just in case. Having never seen an Alfiq before, she honestly could not tell if it was a cat or Khajiit. Just being Khajiit herself did not give her the ability to automatically differentiate. "Sorry, I don't really know, Rhazii." She answered. Turning back to Fendros, Ahnasha shrugged her shoulders. "If you can't smell it yourself, just run anything you want to eat by me first. It's not that every single food has moon sugar in it, just that most meals have at least one part that does. I'll gladly take anything you don't want." Pieter nodded in agreement with Sabine. "Yeah, there are quite a few of us, and we're all armed. As callous as it sounds, there are just a lot easier targets out there for muggers than us. Pickpockets might try something, so just make sure you have a tight hold over everything, and don't just let go if someone grabs your bag. I guarantee you'll be stronger than them. Unless it's a Cathay or something, but they're not really the sneaky types. The packs reached the correct part of the city fairly quickly, but they did have to do some wandering around to actually find the correct tavern. Meesei had studied the city map, but seeing landmarks in person and on a map were two entirely different things. They walked at least one complete circle around one block before she spotted the warehouse that indicated the correct street. Heading down that road, she finally spotted the large and colorful sign of the tavern they had been searching for, the Pale Moons Tavern. It was encouraging, at least, that they had managed to find the correct location, though stepping inside made them seem even more out of place than they already were. Based on the clientele, it was quite clearly a sailor's tavern. Almost all were in rough, often torn clothing, and were invariably drunk. There was no shortage of raucous laughter, and gambling at a few tables. "Hey! That beast makes trouble and Bhisharr here'll toss it out with a brok'n back." The barkeeper shouted at the packs entered, pointing to Leaps, then at an almost comically muscular, shirtless Cathay-raht at the end of the bar. With how completely this Bhisharr towered over everyone else in the tavern, he probably believed it as well. Meesei gave a nod, then turned her attention back to the pack. "I don't smell them here now, but there is a trace of their scent. And it is fresh. Let us wait here for a while, just find a few tables and try to stay out of trouble."