Janius had been holding Leaps by a short leash for the entire journey, but upon the barkeep's warning, he wrapped another length of the cord around his hand to keep the wamasu close. Thankfully, the fact that the packs had arrived during working day meant that the tavern they arrived in was not as crowded as the streets. There were still enough patrons to cause a racket, but there were enough tables to accommodate almost all of them. Fendros and Uthri elected to stand rather than seat themselves, but they didn't mind. Once seated with Sabine and Peiter, Tzirret wrinkled his nose. "There is more a smell of sweat and spilt drink than anything lycan," he commented quietly, "This one would not know how to track anything in this place, or this city." "They will come to us. We are easy to see," Sabine said. Tzirret sniffed some more in the air, "I smell moon sugar, but it is stronger." Sabine knew exactly what it was. "Skooma. Some people might get angry easily here." Adjacent to the youths, on another table, Janius took the time where he might not have to worry about his purse being cut at any moment to speak to Kaleeth. "I don't know what to make of this place. It's...unique and exotic, but it feels as if it has the same problems as the Imperial City." He lowered his voice, "Perhaps worse. What do you think?"