As the waitress did her rounds, some decided to order a drink, while others weren't so sure. Uthri ordered mead as well, Gallus asked for a 'local speciality' at his own risk, Fendros didn't think they would be hanging around for too long so he refrained, and Janius ordered ale. Rhazii noticed what was happening and asked Fendros for some water, but the pack had skins of water anyway. When the waitress reached Tzirret and Sabine, there was no immediate answer as they considered. Sabine eventually spoke up first, "May I please have water?" Tzirret finally shook his head and put up his hand. [i]"Nothing for this one,"[/i] he said in Ta'agra. As soon as the waitress took her leave, Sabine looked at Tzirret oddly. "What did you ask for?" "Huh? Nothing," Tzirret said, only now remembering that he should probably stick to Cyrodilic. Afterwards, he looked to Peiter unsurely, "Do you mind if this one...may taste the brandy? It is not a taste this one knows."