[right][color=ed1c24][h2]Lilith Hathor of Aciras[/h2][/color][/right] With thoughts of the various rose bushes and lilacs in mind, Lilith would continue about her way to her favorite place at the Castle. Sure, there was the library but the garden was big enough to perhaps just wander about for hours on end. Fresh air and sunshine was bound to be enough to forget your troubles if only for a few hours. Remembering her worries such as the ball later in the evening, Lilith would think to herself of how badly she wished to be in jeans, her hair pulled back in a leisure like state. But alas, her parents had stated that she had to be the perfect little princess. She sighed. Walking out of the large wooden doors that remained open for the day, still lost in her thoughts, Lilith would become slightly startled and jump ever so slightly when spotting a young man with bright blue hair. [color=ed1c24]"I-I'm sorry,"[/color] she would say. [color=ed1c24]"You startled me just a bit."[/color] Pausing for a moment to debate on how to proceed, she would speak again, her voice calm and warming now, a smile on her face. [color=ed1c24]"I'm Lilith Hathor, Princess of Aciras. Pleasure to meet you."[/color] Taking a look around, she would realize that a few others had decided to come to the garden as well. The girl knew that she was supposed to share everything with her guests for the next few months, but it felt as if they were invading her life. The Palace Garden had always been her safe haven. Oh well, at least they did not know of the library... yet. [hr][hr] [right][color=00a651][h2]Alexander Belmont of Mirenia[/h2][/color][/right] Dinner was... nice. Alec sat silently, chewing each bite of food with deliberation. His father was talking quietly to his mother, then again, that was a common thing. Alexander only hoped that he and his arranged wife would have as much love for each other as his parents did. True, the boy was not a fan of the bethrothings, but, a prince had to to do what a prince had to do. [color=39b54a]"Mother, father, if you will excuse me, I would like to proceed to my room,"[/color] he would say profoundly. "Why of course, darling," said his mother with a bright smile. Before he could proceed with his plans, however, he would hear a feminine voice. [color=00aeef]"Did your parents tell you who you were marrying,"[/color] it asked. Looking up, he would be met with one of the most beautiful sights that he had ever seen. A girl with flowing auburn hair and light hazel colored eyes in a striking blue dress. Startled by her words, it would take him a moment to respond. [color=39b54a]"Um.."[/color] Alec cleared his throat. [color=39b54a]"Not necessarily but I did have my... informants. I believe her name is to be Amberlyn. You wouldn't happen to know her, would you?"[/color]