There wasn't really nothing for her to do but instead shoot the ships that were coming from the front. These aliens, or whomever it was, really knew how to crash a day for a girl like herself. Meghan continued to shoot out the ships, before turning her head to the side noticing one of her team members. "Oh, heh. Yeah, you know. I always do this.. you know? I'm just a good shooter, I guess." she shrugged her shoulders before paying attention back at her mission. It was all nice and all that the team was working together but then she heard what the others were saying about [b][u]"WHAT?!?![/u][/b] The captain, Rae and Terry were going out for a space walk..? Did they want some kind of death wish or something? They were crazy but knowing the captain he was going to do it and no one would change his mind. Meghan reached for her headset and quickly started to speak towards those that left the spaceship and heading for the space walk. "Listen here, you all should get your asses back here or else something bad is going to happen to you! Alright? Do you guys want to die or something? That's such a very intelligent idea you have there captain, wanting to take your team out into a space walk. I swear, if you don't come back alive... I will somehow revive your ass and KILL YOU MYSELF AGAIN!!" Meghan yelled through out the headset, she said this in a very insane and angry voice of tone. Now, turning it off as she turned around to continue her mission with shooting off the ships at the front. This day was just getting worse! Meghan was obviously getting pretty mad. Though, she took it all out on the enemies!