[color=ed1c24][b][h3]Dmitri Pavlovich[/h3][/b][/color] [@mewgirl99] [color=f7941d][i]Well, it could have been worse all things considered, but this was still gonna hurt a lot more before it starts feeling better. I work quickly, cutting away the pant's leg, to relieve pressure on the swelling leg, and to get it out of the way. I scoop snow over the injury to help reduce swelling and wash out the wound as the snow melted. While I wait on the snow, I pull a morphine shot out of the box, and administer it to the woman's uninjured thigh, the pat some snow over that to reduce the chances of that minor puncture from bleeding, before pulling out a splint, and laying it out around the broken leg. I toss Liz a thick strap of leather, clearly marked by previous bites, as I turn to the broken leg.[/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]Liz put it between her teeth and tell her not to let go.[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I wipe the snow away from the injured leg gently, but quickly, and set the leg before dressing the wound carefully, and applying the splint. I then slide a folded thermal blanket under the leg, and pack snow around the leg, to keep the swelling down, and wrap it and the snow in the thermal blanket. Now the fun part, I toss things back into the medical box, and stow it, while the snow and morphine kick in. I pull out another blanket, from another bin, and make a sort of nest/bed in the back of the wagon. Usually the bodies I tossed back here were dead, but I'd played ambulance before. I move back towards Liz and her mom, glancing quickly around at our surroundings, knowing how vulnerable to attack we are.[/i][/color]