[center][h2][i][color=bc8dbf]Addie[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X21K70j.png[/img][/center] [center][color=bc8dbf]"Addie"[/color][/center] [color=bc8dbf]"Hmph!"[/color] Addie puffed her cheeks, mad that she had been ignored again. [color=bc8dbf][i]"Wh... why everyone makes fun of me?"[/i][/color] She tried to yell, but the words never left her throat. Instead, Addie soon found herself dragged into a surprise indoors picnic, promoted by Izumi and couldn't avoid joining in when Sayaka and Rei did so. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm..."[/color] Nevertheless, her humor didn't got much better, even when Izumi tried to compliment her, despite the fact that she also grabbed some food and began to nibble on it. Just as Addie was considering going back to her room and get a goth loli dress and tons of hair gel, to showcase her inner rage to the world, she noticed a masked couple standing by the door and immediately recalled yesterday's occurrence, which happened right around the lunch time as well and quickly jumped closer to Rei. [color=bc8dbf]"The... they are here again, Rei. What are we gonna do?"[/color] Addie said as she pointed towards the doors while trying to remain calm. [hr] [center][h2][i][color=ed1c24]Kaede[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xNwb31O.png[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]"Kaede"[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]"I'm thankful for your appreciation, actually I feel the same as you in regards to you being one of the few that won't get scared, or hate me, for what I'm."[/color] Kaede said as they walked the corridors, after Kyoko told her how she felt. [color=ed1c24]"Like I said before, we are not unlike each other, Kyoko Akera, and, that's why I chose to help, despite you having broken the rules on many occasions."[/color] As Kaede finished her speech, they finally arrived at the staff locker room and went in a section reserved for the Black Class, where Kaede promptly began to undress herself (despite being with Kyoko). Though, just as Kaede finished unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her snow white skin and a beautiful red bra covering her chest. Kyoko's vision would fade to black, thanks to Kaede messing with Kyoko's senses, just as the scarf wearing girl was removing her skirt. It was all too obvious that Kaede had made this on purpose, just to tease Kyoko, and when the riflegirl's perception returned, she was greeted by a, rarely seen, amused Kaede, already dressed in her characteristic [url=http://i.imgur.com/ORFHR6z.jpg]maid outfit[/url]. [color=ed1c24]"And, that's also why, you'll be working under my supervision from today onward."[/color] Kaede said with an almost sadistic grin on her face as she handed a maid uniform that would fit Kyoko's more shapely curves to her [color=ed1c24]"I have a few things to do now, but you can go forward and change before going to the cafeteria. The staff there will give you instructions, if you need them... I'll met you up with you as soon as I'm able to."[/color] However, just before she left the locker room for Kyoko alone, Kaede hung her sword around her waist and turned back to the other girl [color=ed1c24]"By the way, if you do well, I'll give you a reward worthy of your time, Kyoko Akera."[/color] [center]☆☆☆[/center] A couple minutes later, Kaede was already patrolling the corridors, searching for the new arrivals that Donna mentioned on her telepathic call, actually more like a mental scream. The first ones that the assassin maid would find were the ones of the group right in front of Saya's office door, since they were literally on her path, back from the staff-only area. [color=ed1c24]"Saya-sama can not meet with you now, since she's on an important reunion."[/color] Kaede said to them while pushing her scarf up. Next, Kaede addressed Nuo. [color=ed1c24]"As for you, Nuo Aoi... there have been reports of you skipping classes again. I suggest that you do not repeat this behavior, lest you want to be on Saya-sama's bad side. Now, go on the the cafeteria and have some lunch, everyone of you. The next teacher will explain everything that you might want to know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more students to round up."[/color] Kaede instructed the girls on how to reach the cafeteria, before bowing courteously to the girls and leaving. [center]☆☆☆[/center] Then, Kaede arrived in front of Izumi's classroom where she noticed that her colleague was having her precious time with Saya's sister's team. [color=ed1c24]"You would do well to not bother them. It's rare for Izumi to show anything but indifference, so I won't let anyone ruin her moment."[/color] Kaede said to the masked students as she came from around the hallway corner with a steely glare in her eyes. [color=ed1c24]"I'm a member of the black class, Riddle Academy's elites, just as Izumi, the long haired woman in there. Sometimes we double up as part of the faculty, or staff, but our main job is to direct the students and be Saya-sama's proxies. Thus, I have to say, that you should join the others in the cafeteria, to reach it just go two lefts and one right on this direction. Now, if you'll excuse, I have more work to do."[/color] Kaede said, after bowing to them and sending a message to Izumi, saying that she didn't needed o bother with the masked students and leaving to deal with the last of the newcomers. [center]☆☆☆[/center] Lastly, Kaede arrived at the entrance hall, and met the last of new arrivals, taking the time to appreciate the smaller girl's choice of clothes. Nevertheless, she came to the standing girl and said [color=ed1c24]"You must be the last of the newcomers of today, right? I'm Asamiya Kaede of the Black class. Since we are supposed to be going to the same location, please allow me to escort you to the cafeteria."[/color] Following that, Kaede curtsied and beckoned Lilith to follow her as she went to the cafeteria to see if her newest... coworker, was doing well. [hr] [center][h2][i][color=fff200]Itsuko[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YFAQh0s.png[/img][/center] [center][color=fff200]"Itsuko"[/color][/center] [color=fff200]"Yeah, I was, but you guys made me wait for ages and never showed up, so I went out to find some fun on my own."[/color] Itsuko said to Donna casually as she walked towards the toilet. [color=fff200]"Anyway, say to me, are you always this creepy, or you're just like that when around someone new?"[/color] The blond brawler asked. However, without waiting for Donna's answer, Itsuko kicked the door open and walked in. "He- hey! You can't be here this is the boy's toilet!" One of the boys that were reunited in a circle around some capsule-like objects [color=fff200]"Oh, really? I guess that I haven't noticed with all those pussies around."[/color] Itsuko said while reclining against a wall that didn't looked like it was covered in filth. A second later, the same boy lunged at Itsuko, yelling profanities until his solar plexus met Itsuko's knee and he fell to the floor, frothing from the mouth. [color=fff200]"Ok, now let's see who else wants to have a piece of me... Not you, Fish Sticks, I already know that you do."[/color] Itsuko said, before waiting for Donna's reaction. [hr] [center][@TheWindel][@Spriggs27][@WaddleDaisy][@ChaoticFox][@Shikaru][@Unfortunately][@Ploxerdon][/center]