The white mage was suddenly sent through possibly the world's most colorful portal, with a rainbow of colors spinning around him. He thought he heard a few voices speaking, but the mage was too distracted by his surroundings to give them any real attention. The portal stopped abruptly, depositing the parts into a dome shaped room. The room was bare aside from four large columns that supported the ... ceiling? Was it a ceiling? In place of where stone or wood would normally be, Durandal simply saw a starry sky. Like the dreamwalker, he initially believed it was an ornate painting. But when a shooting star moved across the white mage spoke before thinking. [url=]"Wait Uhhh.... What the Hell?" [/url] To him, the seemingly impossible roof was only the first of his issues with the area. He looked around, seeing that the room was incredibly large, perhaps larger than the original tower. [url=]"This room couldn't have fit in the tower. That building was far too small ... and it was daytime outside ... right? Not the middle of the night?"[/url] Acamen once again looked at the ceiling, and realized that he was starting to panic. He closed his eyes, concentrating on casting a simple cantrip. He summoned up a small orb of light over his head, more as an exercise of sanity than for any sort of practical purpose. With his mind cleared, he turned to the others. [url=]"I'm assuming everyone is alright? I don't think I'm injured."[/url] If someone was injured, it would be one of his jobs to heal them. It wasn't his favorite part of magic, but a hurt person right now would only add to the parties confusion.